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by Judy Brown

Darkly suggestive of animal dens, shelter and secretive havens, Lairs is inspired by mathematics, the poem becoming a kind of nest, a beautiful accumulation of dense detail. The poems are complex, introspective, reminiscent of fervid lockdowns as well as offering a subtle strand on post-Brexit life, a mocking of establishment conservatism.

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Publisher Description

This is a third collection from Forward-Prize-nominated poet, Judy Brown, following her well-received debut (Loudness, 2011) and second book, (Crowd Sensations, 2016).Lairsbrings together something primal and secret – the lair as haven for a wild or feral animal – with the poem framed as a mathematicalequation. In physical and mathematical terms, the 'lair' is a kind of nest,a beautiful accumulation of dense detail.This tension of order and disorder in these poems is informed by mathematics after Brown's important residency at the Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Exeter University.Brown's writing is inspired by Uncertainty Quantification, a branch of mathematics that seeks to estimate the uncertainty on model predictions. In 'Some Security Questions,' this lack of certainty is emphasized when statisticians respond to being asked, 'What were the stupid questions?' They reply: 'There are none,' but we are reminded 'this was maths, so they could / be out there, capable of being asked.' In mathematics and in life, hopes for an orderly existence chafe against the uncertainty of a chaotic reality.In this way,Lairsdynamically connects to the contemporary moment including the fervid atmosphere of lockdown and the ongoing pandemic. The collection also considers post-Brexit life with a mocking of establishment conservatism and business-speak: 'Corporate fish, you're bright as pain,' Browntells us in 'Fish. Oh. Fish'. With deft sleight-of-hand, Brown writes with deep intimacy whilst also registering seismic social and political shifts. 'Settings' for example tells the story of finding a real tick attached to the body of the narrator, but it becomes much more: 'On the internet they were vile and interesting, / hard-bodies with a corona of grippy legs.' The tick infects not only the body but the body politic via the public space of the internet. Brownshuns an easy populism, embracing complex music, and the poem ends by conveying both fear and the process of slow infection.Always inLairs,a sense of unruliness challenges rules, prescriptions, constrictions. This energy is animal and feral, but it is also the pure chaos of mathematics, impossible to constrain.Brown's remarkable poems are innovative in their use of language, but they also maintain moments of vulnerability and moving self-awareness. In these exquisite poems, the lair is both the community at large and a dark and intricate interior space where something wild still survives.

Author Biography

Judy Brown was born in Cheshire. She grew up in Northumberland and Cumbria and studied English at Cambridge and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. She has worked as a lawyer in London and, in the early 1990s, in Hong Kong. Her pamphlet, Pillars of Salt (Templar Poetry, 2006), won the Templar Pamphlet Competition. She received the Poetry Society's Hamish Canham Prize, and won the Poetry London Competition and the Manchester Poetry Prize. Judy's first poetry collection, Loudness (Seren, 2011), was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and the Fenton Aldeburgh Prize. Her most recent collection, Crowd Sensations (Seren, 2016) is a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and was shortlisted for the Ledbury Forte Second Collection Prize. Judy now works as a freelance tutor and mentor and gives Poetry Surgeries in London and online for the Poetry Society.Her third collection Lairs was published bySeren in October 2022.


"Sometimes narky, sometimes tender and afraid, each poem offers up its own shock of uneasy wonder. Judy Brown troubles the edges of certainty in poems that greet us with a glittering strangeness. This is a thrilling and compulsive collection." – Kathryn Simmonds


'A poet who instinctively sees the possibilities of defamiliarisation wherever she casts her penetrating, colour-loving eye' -Carol Rumens, The Guardian

Review Quote

'A poet who instinctively sees the possibilities of defamiliarisation wherever she casts her penetrating, colour-loving eye' --Carol Rumens, Guardian 'Her poems wrestle at the interface between self and other and from the heat of that fight she forges startlingly original imagery' -- Poetry London '...the collection takes on an imaginative charge that sparks many surprises...there's no telling what Brown will do next, but it will be worth reading.' --On Loudness , Douglas Houston in Poetry Review

Description for Sales People

High-quality poetry, complex and relevant themes - lockdown, post-Brexit life.


Author Judy Brown
Pages 72
Publisher Poetry Wales Press
Year 2022
ISBN-10 1781726663
ISBN-13 9781781726662
Format Paperback
Imprint Seren
Place of Publication Bridgend
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2022-10-06
NZ Release Date 2022-10-06
Publication Date 2022-10-06
UK Release Date 2022-10-06
DEWEY 821.92
Audience General
