Fresh goat's milk, a combination of vegetable oils,


Goat's milk soap is especially recommended for people with dry and chapped skin, as well as people suffering from eczema and psoriasis. Also, this soap is recommended for washing hair.


Goat's milk soap with added whey is a completely natural product made by hand, without the use of artificial additives. Goat's milk contains vitamins: E, A, B6 and B12 that naturally soften and soothe the skin, giving it the necessary moisture, making it elastic. Glycerin base made of vegetable oils is rich in vitamins A, D, E, K and minerals: iron, calcium and potassium, numerous antioxidants, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which is extremely useful for skin regeneration, slowing down its aging, beautiful and a radiant complexion. Whey as a natural preservative refreshes and nourishes the skin and hair, preserves the natural acid mantle of the skin.