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OutrageousShe was tall and lovely, crowned with a flaming mane of red hair, but Lady Marian's delicate beauty belied her powerful strength. When Elizabeth, her beloved queen and dearest friend since childhood, confided in her, Marian vowed she would do whatever she must to protect the sovereign's secret. To Griffith Powel, the battle-scarred Welshman sent by the king to watch over Lady Marian, such boldness in a woman was not comely. Yet as her defiant deeds and words made his blood boil with fury, her wild beauty drew him beyond any outrageous hope of escaping her.
PricelessShe was one of the celebrated Sirens of Ireland, a captivating creature of fiery spirit. Bronwyn Edana stunned titled society with her courageous exploits and daring adventures. Yet in nobleman Adam Keane, she met her match. From the moment they first clashed, the headstrong Bronwyn was swept away by A breathless desire. Betrothed to Adam, a man branded by his haunting past, Bronwyn soon found herself at the center of a shocking conspiracy that could rock the British realm. From the dangerous streets of London, to sweeping Boudasea Manor, she followed her most passionate dreams--and risked everything for the only man she would ever love.
Knight #2-A Knight to RememberFallen from grace and sheltered in a convent, Lady Edlyn is a skilled herbalist forced to secretly tend the wounds of Hugh de Florisoun. A knight renowned for his prowess on the battlefield and in the bedchamber, Hugh is a man who is no stranger to Edlyn's heart. Using the healing magic of herbs and the power of remembered love, Edlyn saves the warrior's life. Now Hugh claims this brazen beauty for his own. But Edlyn, cynical in the ways of men, denies him—even as her flesh burns with unaccustomed fire. Passion becomes their battleground with no mercy a bold age when danger and desire go hand in hand.
Fairchild Family #1-A Well Pleasured LadyPrim, plain, desperately virtuous Lady Mary Fairchild stared at the seductive gentleman and wondered -- did he remember the elements of the night they met? Surely not. In the ten years since, she had abandoned her youthful impetuousness and transformed herself into a housekeeper -- disguising her beauty beneath a servant's dour clothing determined to conquer the passions of the past. But Sebastian Durant, Viscount Whitfield, did recognize her as a Fairchild, one of his family's bitter enemies. When he demanded her help recovering a stolen diary, she dared not refuse him. When he proposed they masquerade as a betrothed couple, loyalty forced her to agree. And when the restraint between them shattered and pleasure became an obsession, Mary had to trust a powerful man who could send her to the gallows or love her through eternity.
Princess #2-Someday My PrincePrincess Laurentia leads a fairy-tale life, attending glittering balls and wearing beautiful gowns. But after the ball is over, Laurentia finds herself getting into bed...alone. She dutifully agrees to choose a husband, but when she casts her eyes over her sea of suitors, she doesn't see a single man worthy enough to claim her. Then suddenly, she is swept off her feet by Prince Dominick, soldier of fortune, black sheep of his family...and the man hired to protect her. He's brazen enough to steal her kisses, yet tender enough to soothe her with one touch. He makes no promises, speaks no vows of forever...yet Laurentia can't help but hope that her prince has finally arrived.
Governess Bride #1-That Scandalous EveningAn innocent English miss conceived of it, her hands gliding across the clay, delineating each smoothly defined muscle and sinew, creating a sculpture of the man she worshipped. When the likeness was exposed, along with Miss Jane Higgenbothem's secret tendre for Lord Blackburn, the ton's gleeful contempt sent the lady back to the country in disgrace. Now, a decade later, she's back in London, as a chaperone to her beautiful niece. But to Blackburn, Jane's unwitting model, the cool, reticent spinster is still a challenge. She once made the arrogant rake a laughingstock; so why is he tempted to revive an affair that almost began so long ago, on that scandalous evening?

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