NMS No Man's Sky: Autophage Pack Inc Staff Parts

This pack is aimed at people playing in Normal, Survival, Creative, Permadeath or Expedition game modes.

The pack contains the following items:

* 90 Radiant Shards

* 99,990 Atlantideum

* 199,980 Void Mote

* 10 Rebuilt Exosuit Modules

Staff Parts: HEAD

* 1x Concentric Transducer

* 10 Salvaged Aerator

* 10 Havoc Coil

* 10 Reclaimed Claw

* 10 Reclaimed Head

* 10 Radiant Heart

* 10 Runic Focus

Staff Parts: CORE

* 1 x Atlantideum Chamber

* 10 Salvaged Battery

* 10 Havoc Core

* 10 Reclaimed Grip

* 10 Radiant Chamber

* 10 Runic Core

Staff Parts: BACKBONE

* 1 x Fibreglass Grip

* 10 Salvaged Shaft

* 10 Havoc Lance

* 10 Recycled Pole

* 10 Radiant Bore

* 10 Runic Beam

How it works:

1. You share your No Man's Sky code (and PSN/gamertag) with me.

2. We arrange to meet up at a convenient time.

3. You "Play Game" and navigate to a space station.

4. I meet you there and give you the upgrades you have purchased.

If there is anything else you are in desperate need of, feel free to ask. I will see if I have any in stock, and I'm very accommodating as you will see from my feedback.

I am based in the UK. Most days I am free during the following hours: 9.30am until 2.30pm, and then from 8pm onwards. Do please bear with me.

NB: Nothing will be delivered. Please ignore this part of the ebay purchase.

Communication in the game

I am able to write messages on the in-game text chat, to guide you through the process as we work. I appreciate that not everyone can do this as most of you play on a console, so there are three options if you wish to tell me things, or ask questions as we work:

1. Use the emotes to say things like "YES" or "THANK YOU";

2. Message me using the ebay message system;

3. Send me a direct message via the Disc0rd app (my username is RinceWind#7795).