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Titolo: Project Superpowers Omnibus Vol 1: Dawn of Heroes TP
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781524107437
ISBN: 9781524107437
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 31/07/2018
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Larghezza: 38mm
Peso: 1134g
Autore: Jim Krueger, Alex Ross
Lingua: inglese
Description: From the dawn of the 20th Century came a new chapter in mankind's history, unleashed during a time of great war and destruction. It was the beginning of the Age of the Superpowers, yet with the closing of the Second World War, this new spark seemingly flickered and died. Now the story can be told of the great lost superheroes — men and women with incredible abilities who changed the course of mankind forever, and who had been thought lost...until now!
* Project Superpowers Chapter 1: #0-7 (#0 1/2008, #7 10/2008)
* Project Superpowers Wizard ½ (11/2008): 12 pages + 1 cover
* Project Superpowers Chapter 2: #0-12 (#0 5/2009, #12 9/2010)
* Over 500 pages of story + more than 50 pages of bonus material!
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Graphic Novels
Title Format: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1524107433
Contribuyente: Alex Ross (By (artist)), Stephen Sadowski (By (artist)), Carlos Paul (By (artist))
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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