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Titolo: Garth Ennis' Red Team Volume 2
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781524103958
ISBN: 9781524103958
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 19/09/2017
Altezza: 650mm
Lunghezza: 427mm
Larghezza: 30mm
Peso: 531g
Autore: Garth Ennis
Lingua: inglese
Description: One year after the catastrophic events that ended Red Team, the NYPD's elite anti-narcotics unit, the surviving Detectives Eddie Mellinger and Trudy Giroux are in the doldrums. Considered a political liability, the two are kept busy on small-time cases by their suspicious NYPD commanders, but a chance encounter with an out-of-his-depth rich kid in the ghetto gives them a chance to get back in the game. The trouble is, it means going far beyond the law... which is what almost got them killed last time around!


"Craig Cermak has me on a search for anything he has illustrated. (His) work is gorgeous realism." - Comic Crusaders

"Well told via dialogue and cop drama elements... You'll be rooting for the protagonists." - AiPT!
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Graphic Novels
Title Format: Paperback
Subtítulos: Double Tap, Center Mass
ISBN-10: 1524103950
Contribuyente: Craig Cermak (By (artist))
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

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