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Titolo: Robyn Hood Volume 2: Monsters in the Dark
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Patrick Shand
Contribuyente: Tony Brescini (By (artist))
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1942275072
EAN: 9781942275077
ISBN: 9781942275077
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Genere: Graphic Novels
Soggetto: Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Data di pubblicazione: 01/09/2015

  • One year ago, Robyn Locksley was brought to Myst, a realm of swords andsorcery, to save the city of Nottingham from a great evil. Lives were lost andhearts were broken, but the war is finally over. Joined by Marian Quin — awitch who has, up until now, only known the ways of Myst — Robyn returnshome to New York, ready to begin a new chapter in her life. However, beneath theshining lights of the city dwells a darkness that threatens to swallow the citywhole. When Robyn finds herself targeted by a demonic cult, a man who can't die,and an ancient order called the Cabal, she discovers that the true face of NewYork City just might have fangs!

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 163mm
Larghezza: 15mm
Peso: 249g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

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