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Small businesses with a social mission

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The impact we make
Our organization was born of a founder's dream, Agapito Marcapiña. Agapito was born in Ayacucho, a city located in a fertile valley on the Peruvian Andes at 2,746 metres above sea level. Agapito learnt from his family the art of making handicrafts and thanks to various opportunities and his hard work he was able to sustain his family and made a living from the handicrafts for about 25 years. This led him to dream that he could sell his products directly abroad and without using intermediaries and therefore improve his living conditions and the lives of others in his community.
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Baby alpaca, knitted elephant
  • Handmade in Peru by a community of Makers
  • Made from natural fibres: alpaca
  • Height 10cm
  • Natural dyes
  • Produced under fair trade conditions
  • Members of World Fair Trade Organisation
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What is the World Fair Trade Organisation?
WFTO is a global association of SMEs and retailers, that practice and advocate for an alternative economic system. All our members practice the 10 Principles of Fair Trade across their entire operations and supply chain. A Guaranteed WFTO member adheres to the highest ethical requirements. WFTO members are also fully verified as Fair Trade plus social enterprises. The sustainable, ethical, and beautiful products sold here are made by some of our Guaranteed WFTO members.
What is eBay for Change?
We've have partnered with Social Enterprise UK and the World Fair Trade Organisation to develop eBay for Change a programme designed to support the growth of the social enterprise sector. Every purchase from an eBay for Change social enterprise will have a direct positive impact on supporting disadvantaged communities whether that's providing a job or training opportunities to people who are distant from the labour market, tackling social problems like homelessness and exclusion, or improving people?s life chances, or supporting environmental action. Be part of the change.
Be part of the change.
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