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Titolo: Class Action Strategy & Practice Guide
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781641052733
ISBN: 9781641052733
Publisher: American Bar Association
Data di pubblicazione: 19/08/2019
Lingua: inglese
Altezza: 229mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Contribuyente: Gregory C. Cook (Edited by), Jocelyn D. Larkin (Edited by)
Genere: Law & Politics
Title Format: Paperback
Description: As class actions have evolved, they have become larger and more complex, requiring mastery of and compliance with ever-evolving case law. Authors and editors Gregory Cook and Jocelyn Larkin, master class action strategists and litigators, worked with other seasoned class action lawyers to produce this essential practice guide for lawyers, judges, and advocates and decision makers at every level.This book provides practical guidance to lawyers on how to conduct a class action, including both the plaintiff and defense perspective on the key decisions during the class action battle. It looks at each major phase of the action, from the filing of the action to settlement decisions and mechanisms. The thorough, comprehensive, and sophisticated treatment and discussion of all aspects of class action litigation makes this text a vital and necessary addition to the libraries of class action veterans and newbies alike.
Paese di origine: US
Autore: Gregory C. Cook
Anno di pubblicazione: 2019

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