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Titolo: Virdition
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Celebrity Success Secrets to Fast Track YOUR Path to Stardom
Autore: Will Quinones, Forbes Riley
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781683508373
ISBN: 9781683508373
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Genere: Society & Culture
Soggetto: Personal Development, Business & Finance, Music Dance & Theatre, Biography
Data di pubblicazione: 13/09/2018
Description: In this digital age, it is more exciting than ever to seek a career in the entertainment industry—from stuntmen and musicians to actresses, dancers, and even make-up artists. With the advent of social media, YouTube, Facebook, and more, someone with talent in any medium can (and needs to) create their own brand, steer their career, and master the art of “virtually auditioning” at all times with every post. This is a far cry from the “old days” of paper headshot and cattle calls. Forbes Riley, an overnight success 20+ years in the making, shares her insights, obstacles, and successes as she pursued her career as an actress, dancer, and TV host. For her, meeting Will Quinones and hearing his dream of building his audition platform, Virdition, to help struggling artists of all levels was a dream come true. Virdition takes auditioning to a whole new level and helps aspiring entertainers truly understand the possibilities from contest shows like The Voice and American Idol to feature film casting.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 215mm
Lunghezza: 139mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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