Item Title


Languages : Japanese, English
Subtitles: : Japanese, English
Japan in the Muromachi period of the Middle Ages. In the deep, ancient forests that still remain inaccessible to man, giant wild dogs, boars, and other sacred beasts that understand human languages lurked, attacking humans who invaded their sanctuaries, and were feared as raging gods.
Ashitaka, a descendant of the Emishi, is cursed by the Boar God, who has turned into a Tatarigami due to his anger and hatred toward humans, and when he visits the western land to lift the curse, he finds himself caught up in a strange fate.
In order to break the curse, he visits the western land and becomes entangled in a series of strange fates: a group of iron workers and their chief, Eboshi Gozen, who are trying to clear the forest; a clan of wild dogs who protect the forest; and San, a human girl raised by the wild dogs.
Ashitaka is caught in the middle and discovers the reason for his curse. ......