i can custom make this item for you 

if you need

  • longer
  • shorter 
  • different colour
  • a bit more petite
  • some lace added around the hood
  •  a more rounded hood

if you need help please ask

text is usually faster

the number can be found in my sellers information


black cloak 

with large  hood not as pointy as my other cloaks

the hood is lined in white so it has a nice look about it

please note only the hood is lined

blue image just for reference


its an over sized design 

there is about 55 inches (140cm)  of fabric around the chest area approx 

remember this passes over your arm so if measuring yourself make sure you wrap it around your arms too


item is totally overlock to prevent fraying

and then hemmed for a neat finish

ties  to close at the neck

and is approx 139cm from back of neck

it can be made longer or shorter

I am 5 ft 5 and a bit(don't forget the bit) and the cloak skims my ankles as a rough idea of length 

 the fabric is polyester and isnt too heavy but has a nice fall to it

i have quite a few coloured fabric so if you need a certain colour message or text me

i try to answer as quickly as possible