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Titolo: Corporate Governance Lessons from Transition Economy Reforms
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 0691138311
EAN: 9780691138312
ISBN: 9780691138312
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 02/11/2008
Description: Corporate Governance Lessons from Transition Economy Reforms explores a timely topic at the intersection of economics, law, and policy reform. To date, most sophisticated theoretical work on corporate governance has focused on advanced market economies. In post-socialist countries, corporate finance and transition economics scholars have often done little more than convey the received theory to transition policymakers. This volume focuses, for the first time, on the reverse concern: what, if anything, do the reform experiences of transition countries teach about corporate governance theory more generally? To investigate this question, Merritt Fox and Michael Heller have assembled a stellar group of corporate governance theorists. The answers are startling. The principal essays approach the problem from three complementary perspectives that form the organizing themes of the book. The first part refines core corporate theory terms. The second presents important empirical work that explores the channels through which "good corporate governance" may link to the real economy. The final part links corporate governance theory to practical reforms.After fifteen years of experience, practice can now inform theory. Together, these essays present a comprehensive new view on a provocative theme. Written in an accessible style, they will be of interest to a broad range of scholars, commentators, and policymakers.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 229mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Peso: 567g
Contribuyente: Merritt B. Fox (Edited by), Michael A. Heller (Edited by)
Autore: Merritt B. Fox
Genere: Business & Finance
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2008

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