The finest single coated extra wide ten degree 7x,35 ever made is the Bak-4 loaded FPO (Fuji-made) Bushnell Rangemaster, bar none. This is not only the opinion of this collector and lover of old binos, but the considered consensus of many others who've enjoyed their amazing views.

Here we have a similar sized and powered ten degree 7x,35 with BK-7s that offers 95% of what the Rangemaster does, but at about one tenth the cost! So for those who want to try a really nice wide angle Vin Bin, but can't even consider the $1200.00+ asking price of the Rangemaster in good shape, here is a viable option.

Cleaned internally of all haze causing film and/or spots on prisms, we also blackened sides so as to slightly increase brightness and contrast. Then lubed focus controls for worry free smooth operation that ought to last decades. As we chose NYE synthetic damping grease. The industry standard.

Entire bino chassis conditioned with an automotive grade product meant for rubber and vinyl. The leather case with faded gold logo on the lid was also conditioned. Original leather carry strap on the bino was similarly cared for.

Views are outstandingly clear, crisp and nicely wide! We love and collect those made by JB-22 such as the iconic extra wide angle Tasco model 124 7x,50 eleven degree wonder. They did many others for myriad importers. And all have the unusual Field Curvature (FC) that, to our eyes, only adds to the typical Porro 3D effect. Most others find it nice, too. Probably the MOST rare model they made is the Jason 186 7x,35 at 12.7 degrees! It is right up there with the FPO RANGEMASTER, in our opinion.

Satisfaction or request a return and cheerful refund within three days of receipt ,please.

And please consider buying and reading a copy of one of the Best Books ever published: FINAL JUDGEMENT, by Michael Piper. Should be available here on eBay.