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How does EMS work
The EMS unit has a series of wire connections with two or four adhesive electrodes attached at the end of each channel. The unit delivers a gentle electronic impulse by contracting and relaxing rhythmically as instructed by you through the unit. When a muscle contracts as a result of the EMS stimulations, the chemical reactions taking place within the muscles are similar to those associated with voluntary contraction as in normal exercising. These chemical reactions utilize glycogen, fat and other nutrients stored in the muscle. These series of muscle contraction will enable an individual to tone, firm, strengthen, and combat flabbiness and improve contour.

1.Controlled by app or button
*Ensure valid connection *Support training without phone
*Training at anytime anywhere
2.Multiple electrode sheet coverage
*20 electrodes
*Coverage training muscle group
*Even stimulation
*The output is not attenuated at the same time
3.Small box big energy
*Charge for half an hour and last for 3-4 hours
*25-30 times for one charge
4.Skin-friendly material details
*Zero pressure design 
*Zero wear feeling 
*Stable connection

*Controlled by button: 3 modes
1.Autonmatic mode: integrate the characteristicsof each advantage, and conduct segmented exercise of different modes intermitt.
2.Ntlycardio mode: ideal for reducing body fat, increasing blood flow, peroxidation and eliminating accumulated metabolites. the procedure is also ideal for treating loose skin, loose tissues and orange peels.
3.Shape mode: the strength mode is used to optimize muscle shape and balance. it largely trains bothtpe i and type i muscle fibers, resulting in significant improvements in muscle shape and balance to achieve asculpting effect.
*Controlled by app: 6 modes
1.Fat burn mode:the fat burn pattern is-designed for those who want to lose weight, increasing muscle ratio and reducing body hrough muscle formation and metabolic activation. 
2.Relax mode: relax pattern, used by the body to relax, reduce stress and promotethe blood circulation of tissues, conducive to the excretion of metabolic waste. italso releases endorphins. the feel-good chemicals.
3.Shape mode: the shape mode s used to optimize muscle shape and balance. it largely trains both type i and type ii muscle fibers resulting in significant improvements in muscle shape and balance to achieveasculpting effect.
4.Cardio mode: ideal for reducing body fat increasing blood flow peroxidation and eliminating accumulated metabolites. the procedures also ideal for treating loose skin loose tissues and orang peels.
5.Massage mode: the venous return isaccelerated by agentle ascending and descending pulse curve. it promotes the circulation of blood and sends energy to all parts of the body through the blood flow. it enhancesits function and makes the body and mind fully relaxed.
6.Automatic mode: integrate the characteristics of each advantage, and conduct segmented exercis of different modes intermittently.

1.Muscle Building

The electrodes are placed on the body, directly over each major muscle group, so all the impulses reach their target. It's easy, safe and you can't go wrong.
2.Improve Posture
Using EMS can help improve your posture, as the special training programs contain exercises for the back, the lower back, the abs and even the shoulders.
3.Achieve a Toned Body
Full-body EMS strength training combined with cardio sessions can help you get your muscles toned, burn fat and reduce cellulite. Circulation of the muscular and connective tissues will be enhanced which can lead to firmer and more toned skin as well.