Nuestra piscina familiar tiene espacio tanto para niños como para adultos.
Reúna a su grupo y prepárese para divertirse al aire libre. Durante todo el verano, infla y configura las grandes piscinas en el patio trasero para disfrutar de divertidas actividades familiares.
La piscina se eleva a medida que se llena para una configuración simple y está construida con un anillo superior inflable.
Esta piscina circular le brindará horas ilimitadas de diversión y un valor excepcional porque está hecha de PVC resistente que durará y funcionará.

Our family-friendly swimming pool has room for both children and adults.
Get your group together and get ready for some outdoor fun. For all of the summer, blow up and set up the large pools in the backyard for fun family activities.
The pool raises as it fills for simple setup and is built with an inflatable top ring.
This ring pool will provide you with unlimited hours of splashing fun and exceptional value because it is made of strong PVC that will last and function.

Pool Info

Highly Versatile

Ball Pit

Pets Fun

Sand Pit

Pool Fishing

Ball Pit

Great for any and all kinds of ball pits or even backyard splash pools, these Fun Balls are sure to keep children entertained for hours.

Pets Fun

When it's the dog days of summer, pups can feel the heat too! Our pools give your furry friends a fun place to cool off.

Sand Pit

The top ring pool is also available as a sandpit, a versatile toy that kids will love it & their imaginations will be kept busy for hours.

Pool Fishing

Fishing in top ring pool helps them become more social, enhance interactions with friends, keep your child hooked and help improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor control