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Rescue Me

by Christy Reece

From a hot new voice in romantic suspense comes the first adventure in an action-packed, passionate trilogy featuring a beautiful operative for an elite rescue organization, dealing with a rugged new partner, a dangerous mission, and her own secret past. Original.

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Publisher Description

"Mindful of the quality expected of Cherry Adair and Mariah Stewart, Christy Reece's first novel is a terrific romantic suspense thriller."—Harriet Klausner, Merry Genre Go Round Reviews 

A covert operative of Last Chance Rescue (LCR) Enterprises, Eden St. Claire has made secrets her life's work. Seven years ago, an evening of emotional vulnerability and pure pleasure almost destroyed her. Now Eden wears her beauty like a mask, concealing any hint of vulnerability or the demons of her past.

A daring rescue of an innocent girl on a Greek island leads Eden to a new partner. Jordan Montgomery has been looking for Eden–though he knows her by another name, from another time. But his search for her is overshadowed by a case that's gone international. A powerful, ruthless, organized network is stealing women and children around the world. And a lover, a traitor, and a killer all wait for Eden's next move.

"A sizzling new suspense trilogy bursts onto the scene as Reece invites readers to join the adventures of Last Chance Rescue Enterprises. . . . Plenty of danger and intrigue make this a promising series launch!"—Romantic Times Magazine 

"Rescue Me is an exciting magnetic story. . . . Oh, yes!"—Fresh Fiction 

Author Biography

After eighteen years, Christy Reece left her career at a major insurance company and pursued her dream of writing. She holds a BSW from the University of Memphis and is a member of Romance Writers of America and International Thriller Writers. Christy Reece lives in Alabama with her husband, two adorable canines, and one very shy turtle. Rescue Me is her first novel in a three-book series.


"A sizzling new suspense trilogy bursts onto the scene as Reece invites readers to join the adventures of Last Chance Rescue Enterprises. The hero and heroine of this tale have quite the backstory, although the hero is unaware of their connection. These protagonists are awash in anger, bitterness and guilt, but that won't stop them from saving those in need. Plenty of danger and intrigue make this a promising series launch!"—Romantic Times Magazine

"Mindful of the quality expected of Cherry Adair and Mariah Stewart, Christy Reece's first novel is a terrific romantic suspense thriller."—Harriet Klausner, Merry Genre Go Round Reviews

"Compelling start to an awesome romantic suspense series featuring Last Chance Rescue operatives. Rescue Me is an exciting magnetic story. Christy Reece introduces us to compelling characters who pull us into the weave of soul-jerking pain, love of life and the desire to fight for others. Rescue Me is the first of a trilogy that will have you running your fingers over book spines while your heart strums until you find Reece's books and hurriedly snatch them from the shelf. Oh, yes!"—Fresh Fiction

Review Quote

"A sizzling new suspense trilogy bursts onto the scene as Reece invites readers to join the adventures of Last Chance Rescue Enterprises. The hero and heroine of this tale have quite the backstory, although the hero is unaware of their connection. These protagonists are awash in anger, bitterness and guilt, but that won't stop them from saving those in need. Plenty of danger and intrigue make this a promising series launch! "- Romantic Times Magazine "Mindful of the quality expected of Cherry Adair and Mariah Stewart, Christy Reece's first novel is a terrific romantic suspense thriller."-Harriet Klausner, Merry Genre Go Round Reviews "Compelling start to an awesome romantic suspense series featuring Last Chance Rescue operatives. Rescue Me is an exciting magnetic story. Christy Reece introduces us to compelling characters who pull us into the weave of soul-jerking pain, love of life and the desire to fight for others. Rescue Me is the first of a trilogy that will have you running your fingers over book spines while your heart strums until you find Reece's books and hurriedly snatch them from the shelf. Oh, yes!- Fresh Fiction From the Paperback edition.

Excerpt from Book

Prologue Chin in hand, Devon Winters crumbled the last of her blueberry muffin with her fingers. Sunshine flooded the area around the sparkling blue pool where Louisa set up breakfast every morning at six- thirty, as long as weather permitted. And somehow, except for a few months of winter, weather almost always permitted. Devon figured her mother controlled Washington, D.C., weather just as she controlled everything else in her life. The skies dare not rain on Alise Stevens's parade, or breakfast. The one time Louisa defied her mother's edict, thinking it might rain, and had set up breakfast in the morning room, was a day Devon preferred not to think about. Having learned a painful lesson years ago, Devon worked hard not to put her mother into that kind of frenzied fury. Unfortunately, Louisa discovered the hard way, too, but at least she hadn't suffered the same punishment. Being screamed at was preferable to being locked in a dark closet. "Devon, must you slump like a Neanderthal? By the time you graduate, you'll be humpbacked." Without a glance at her mother, Devon automatically sat up straighter. "Henry, don't forget, dinner tomorrow night at the Tollivers'. Though I'd much rather not go. That embarrassing incident with their daughter makes it so awkward. But the Tollivers are one of the oldest families in D.C. society. It could be damaging if we don't make an appearance." Henry Stevens bent his morning paper ever so slightly, and his thin face peered over the edge. "The incident you refer to was tragic, not embarrassing. Their daughter died of a drug overdose." Doing what she'd done for as long as Devon could remember, Alise ignored her husband's comment. "Also, the fund- raising event for Senator Mallard is set for a week from Tuesday. I've told Louisa three times to make sure your new tuxedo is cleaned. I do hope she can remember. It seems the older she gets, the more forgetful she is. Perhaps we should consider getting new help." This time the paper came all the way down. Her stepfather rarely lost his temper, but Devon could tell an event was brewing. She held her breath. "Louisa has been with me for years. Do not even think about letting her go. Do you understand?" Alise waved a thin, elegant hand, not one bit intimidated by her husband's anger. "Really, Henry. You act as though I meant to kill her. I simply believe that" Henry turned his gaze to Devon. "Sweetheart, if you're through with breakfast, why don't you go get ready for school?" Eager to miss the coming fireworks, Devon jumped to her feet. Unfortunately, Devon's movements distracted Alise, calling attention to the daughter who never pleased her. Critical eyes skimmed over Devon's body. "I noticed yesterday that your school uniform is getting too tight. You do realize that you're not going to get a new one this year, don't you?" "Yes, Mother." "Then I suggest you stop stuffing yourself like a pig at every meal, or you'll soon look like one. Thankfully, your new school doesn't require uniforms. They can get so expensive." The muffin Devon had consumed turned to lead in her stomach. "What do you mean, my new school?" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "Just that. Next year, you'll be attending a boarding school in Boston." The sound of Henry's newspaper being crumpled barely penetrated her shocked mind. They were sending her away? Her stepfather's concerned face appeared in front of her. "We were going to tell you this weekend." He shot a loathing glance at his wife, then turned back to Devon. "I think you'll like it there. Meet new friends, see new places." Devon could only stare up at him as bewildered hurt trampled over her heart. Henry had always been her champion against her mother. Why was he going along with this? "You don't want me anymore?" Her mother huffed a loud, exasperated sigh. "Stop the dramatics, Devon. You'll do what we tell you to do. Now, go get ready for school. If you're late this morning, I won't write an excuse for you. You can just spend time in detention." Henry pulled Devon to him in a hug, then released her and gave her one of his encouraging smiles. "We'll talk about it this weekend, sugar. But I promise it's not because I don't want you here. I just think you'd really enjoy it. And they're very excited you're coming. I told them how smart you are and how you pick up languages so easily. The headmistress can't wait to meet you. She's going to design a curriculum especially for you, with all of your favorite things." "For heaven's sake, Henry, stop coddling her. It's the reason she needs to go away. You treat her like a baby. It's time she grew up." Henry twisted his head around and snarled, "For God's sake, Alise. She's only thirteen years old. For once, please act like a real mother." Fear whipped through Devon at the expression on her mother's face. Despite the hurt at being sent away, she couldn't prevent her legs from backing up as she saw her mother rise. "You bastard, I am her mother. I could easily have aborted her or given her up for adoption. Instead, I've given her a home, and what credit do I get? None." Looking as though he wanted to sit down and cry with Devon, Henry straightened. Nudging her gently with his hand, he whispered, "Go on, sweetie. We'll talk later." Though tears flooded her eyes at her mother's cruel words, self- preservation had her nodding in agreement. She whirled around, took a running step, and slammed into a hard body. Her head jerked up; all breath left her lungs. "Whoa there, squirt. You okay?" Jordan Montgomery looked down at her. Though his mouth lifted in a small smile, the sympathy and anger in his beautiful dark brown eyes told her he'd heard every humiliating word her mother had hurled at her. Mortification and extreme delight created an odd jumble of emotions inside her. She worked hard at showing only the delight. Unfortunately, the tears rolling down her face spoiled her act. Gentle, masculine fingers wiped a tear off her cheek. "You know, in another couple of years, Henry will be beating the boys back with a stick." Even though a part of her knew he was only teasing, trying to make her feel better, the part that held her heart couldn't resist a shiver. Jordan thought she would be beautiful someday. Suddenly her day seemed brighter. "Jordan, how delightful." Her mother stood right behind her, her voice lowered to a husky softness. "We didn't know you were coming." Jordan's deep voice rumbled over Devon's head. "I'm on break from college, and thought I'd come by and say hello." "Well, we're so pleased you did." Devon frowned at the odd, purring sound in her mother's voice. Before she could wonder about it, fingers dug into her arm, pulling her away from Jordan. "I'm not going to tell you again. Get ready for school. Honestly, sometimes you are the most dense child." Knowing her mother would only further humiliate her, Devon moved away from Jordan. How she wished she could stay home and just stare at him. Being around him always made her happy. With one last glance in his direction, she headed toward the door. Jordan's deep voice stopped her. "Hey Dev, since I'm in town for a few days, how about a rematch on that chess game. Say tomorrow afternoon, around two?" Life turned magnificently brighter. "You bet." Beaming, Devon ran into the house. She had a date tomorrow with Jordan Montgomery. Nothing could be better than that. As she pulled on her snug uniform, she tried to forget her mother's cruel words. She'd known for years that her mother hated her. Nothing she said should be a surprise. Devon also tried to ignore the extreme worry that she would be going away to school next year. Henry would never send her away without a good reason. This school must be one of the best, because despite her mother's meanness, Henry would make sure she was all right. Her gray eyes stared sightlessly at the mirror as she scooped curly blond locks into a ponytail holder. How lucky she was that Henry had married her mother. Not only was he a wonderful father, he'd brought Jordan into her life. Jordan was Henry's godson. His parents had died years


Author Christy Reece
Short Title RESCUE ME
Language English
ISBN-10 0345505425
ISBN-13 9780345505422
Media Book
Year 2009
Subtitle A Novel
Series Last Chance Rescue
Series Number 1
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2009-04-28
NZ Release Date 2009-04-28
US Release Date 2009-04-28
UK Release Date 2009-04-28
Pages 384
Publisher Random House USA Inc
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2009-04-28
Imprint Random House Inc
Audience General
