AKTO Neem Oil 100% Pure Natural Organic Cold Pressed Unrefined Vegan Virgin UK

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
Plant Part: Seeds
Extraction Method: Cold Pressing of the seeds

100% Cold Pressed & Unrefined - All natural with absolutely no chemicals or additives included to ensure that the neem oil retains its original composition
Cosmetic Grade - The oil is high in antioxidant compounds that help fight free radical damage to soothe and heal the skin
Organic Gardening Uses - Used in organic gardening to keep plants looking healthy
Mix with Lotions or Shampoos - Antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids provide nourishment for hair, nails and skin.

What Is Neem Oil? Not All Neem Oil is Created Equal.

Neem oil is a type of vegetable oil extracted from the fruits and seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachtaindica), a fast-growing evergreen tree that is native to the Indian subcontinent. With a large variety of different uses, neem oil is an extremely versatile substance that carries beneficial medicinal, cosmetic and gardening uses.

So when we say our neem oil is 100% cold pressed, what does this mean and why does it matter? Neem oil products on the market nearly always fall within one of three categories:

1. Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil

2. Azadirachtin Extract Neem Oil

3. 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Oil

The first two categories listed above are extracts - hydrophobic and azadirachtin. These extracts are produced when neem oil has been processed. The disadvantage of processing is that the neem oil will lose many of its valuable biochemical compounds in the process.

Nature Shine Neem Oil is 100% Cold Pressed and retains all of the essential nutrients contained in the original neem seed. It's more expensive, but it's worth it.

Aromatic Scent
Neem oil has a rich, earthy, green musty smell.
Pure Neem Oil has a repugnant and garlicky scent (it smells really bad). It also solidifies in cold weather and will be chunky & pastry. This is absolutely normal. To turn the paste into a liquid state, you can leave it in the sun or use the microwave for 7-10 seconds.

In addition to keeping your hair and skin healthy, Organic Neem Oil can help with your dogs and cats' fur and keep them healthy as well.

How to Apply Neem Oil Spray:  Before spraying a an entire plant, test a small area on the plant and wait 24 hours to check to see if the leaf has any damage. If there is no damage, then the plant should not be harmed by the neem oil. Apply neem oil only in indirect light or in the evening to avoid foliage burning and to allow the treatment to seep into the plant. Also, do not use neem oil in extreme temperatures, either too hot or too cold. Avoid application to plants that are stressed due to drought or over watering. Using neem oil insecticide about once a week will help kill pests and keep fungal issues at bay. Apply as you would other oil-based sprays, making sure the leaves are completely coated, especially where the pest or fungal problem is the worst.

This Neem mix should still be effective even if diluted at 1 to 100, but we have given guidelines at 1 to 25 ratio as it is most effective in this ratio, however feel free to learn what works best for your garden and make your own mix!

Store in a cool and dark place, do not leave exposed to direct sunlight.