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Phytotea for the gallbladder

Cholagogue collection №2

!!! Does not replace medicines !!!


Active substance 1 g of the collection contains: everlasting flower (Helichrysi arenarii flores) 0.4 g, yarrow grass (Millefolii herba) 0.2 g, peppermint leaves (Menthae piperitae folia) 0.2 g, coriander fruits (Coriandri fructus) 0.2 g.

1 pack contains: cholagogue collection 50 g

The main physicochemical properties: a mixture of heterogeneous pieces of grayish-green color with splashes of yellow, orange and yellowish-brown color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Means used in biliary pathology. Code АТХ А05А Х.

Pharmacological properties


Biologically active substances of the drug increase the secretion of bile, exert choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effects.



Chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, angiocholiths with hypomotor dyskinesia of the gallbladder (as part of complex therapy).



Hypersensitivity to the biologically active substances of the drug (including to plants of the Aster family (Compositae). Obstructive jaundice or gallstone disease with the presence of calculi larger than 10 mm in diameter; acute inflammatory diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas; bronchial asthma increased blood coagulation, tendency to blood clots.


Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction



Features of use

Use with caution in patients with gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn. Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding


The ability to influence the speed of reaction when driving a motor vehicle or working with other mechanisms - does not affect.

Method of application and dosage

Place 2 dessert spoons of the mixture in an enamel dish, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and insist in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze the residue to a filtered infusion. Bring the volume of infusion to 200 ml with boiled water. Take warm 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals: adults and children over 14 years old – ½ - ⅓ cup each, children aged 12-14 years old – ¼ cup each. Shake the infusion before use.

Store the prepared infusion at a temperature of 8-15 ºС for no more than 2 days.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.



The drug should be used by children over 12 years of age.



Dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure, pain in the heart area are possible.


Adverse reactions

Allergic reactions are possible (including hyperemia, rash, itching, skin swelling, urticaria, contact dermatitis). If adverse reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not higher than 30ºС in a place inaccessible to children.


Leave category

Without a prescription.


Features of application



Children from 12 yaers

by doctor's prescription



Nursing mothers



with caution



