1.Starch Cookery 1 Gelatinization properties of starch  2 Comparison of properties of different sources of starch:gelatinization, retro-gradation  3 Effect of sugar concentration on strength of the starch gels 4. Effect of milk on strength of the starch gels  5.Effect of acid on strength of the starch gels 6 Effect of dry heat on strength of the starch gels 7.Effect of enzymes on strength of the starch gels2.Leavening Agents 1.Demonstration on role of leavening agents in fermented foods 2.Demonstration on role of leavening agents in bakery products  3.Pulse Cookery 1 Factors effecting pulse cookery  4.Vegetable Cookery 1 Factors effecting vegetable cookery 2 Browning reactions in fruits and egetables 5.Milk Cookery  1 Physic-chemical properties of milk 2 Coagulation properties of milk proteins 3 Coagulation property of milk proteins upon cooking vegetables with milk  6.Preparation of Milk Products 1.Preparation and evaluation of ice-cream 2.Preparation and evaluation of butter 3.Preparation and evaluation of ghee (Butter oil) 7.Egg Cookery  1.Standards of eggs/or Grades of eggs 2.Testing the grades of egg 3.Coagulation properties of egg proteins 4.Formation of dark greenish discoloration in hard boiled eggs 5.Omelets and factors affecting it 6.Clarifying properties of eggs 7.Foaming properties of eggs 8.Thickening properties of eggs 9. Binding properties of eggs 10.Coating properties of eggs 11.Emulsifying properties of eggs 12. Meringues 8.Meat Cookery 1Procedures for methods of cooking meat and poultry and fish 2 Cooking meat and poultry and fish 3. Cooking tender cuts of meat 4 Cooking less tender cuts 5 Methods of cooking meat  6 Moist methods 9.Poultry Cookery 10.Fish Cookery 11.Fats and Oils Cookery  1.Properties of fats and oils 2.Factors affecting oil absorption during deep fat frying 3.Preparation of whipped cream as double emulsion 4.Preparation of basic cakes with different types of fats  5.Preparation of salad dressings with olive oil and other vegetable oils 12.Sugar Cookery 1 Properties of cane sugar 2 Factors affecting crystallization of sugar 3: Preparation of sucrose syrups for various products 13.Sensory Evaluation  1.Sensitivity tests 2.Paired comparison test 3.Duo-trio test 4.Model triangle test 5.Ranking test 6.Single sample (monadic) test 7.Two sample difference test  8.Multiple sample difference test  9.Hedonic rating test 10.Numerical scoring test 11.Composite scoring test 12.Descriptive flavor profile test 13.Dilution test 14.Dilution flavor profile test 14. Bakery Products 1.Bread preparation methods 2.Biscuits preparation methods 3.Cakes preparation methods 4.Pastries preparation methods 15.Food Preservation Technologies: Drying of Foods 1.Food preservation by sun drying method 2.Food preservation by dehydration technology 16.Food Preservation Technologies: Processing of  Fruit Products 1 Processing of jam 2 Processing of jellies 3 Processing of pure fruit juices 17.Food Preservation Technologies: Processing of Pickles 1.Processing of pickles with vinegar 2.Processing of pickles with salt 3.Preservation of raw mango slices in brine/salt solution 4.Processing of oil-based pickles 18.Processing of Dairy Products 1.Processing and preparation of Yogurt 2.Processing and preparation of Butter milk  3.Processing and preparation of Lassi 4.Preparation of Indigenous milk products 19.Preparation of Ready to Serve Beverages  1.Preparation of ready to serve beverages from carrot with sour-orange juices 2.Preparation of ready to serve (RTS) Drink/Sweetened Juice 3.Preparation of fruit nectar  4.Preparation of Cordial (Lime) 5.Preparation of Sherbet 6.Preparation of Squash  References

Food science is all of the science involved in taking agricultural food products from the farmer's gate to the grocery store, restaurant, or dinner table. Food scientists work with all sectors of agriculture. Food science includes both basic and applied biology, microbiology, chemistry, math, business, engineering, physics, and other disciplines.

A food scientist's goal is to make safe, high quality food products that are profitable to all segments of agriculture. Food science students can also compete in national competitions dealing with food, such as Dairy Judging, Meats Judging, New Product Development, and the Research Chef's Association.

The book demonstrates principles and evaluation practices behind starch, fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, egg foams and emulsions, meat, fats and oils, sugar and jaggery cookeries, and preservation practical's include drying and dehydration of fruits and vegetables, jams and jelly making, fruit juices, squashes and pickling.