I will be in the Los Angeles area until Dec.10th & in Salt Lake City area after Dec.16th., so if you purchase this for the holidays there will be a delay in shipping.

Average price for this issue is $170.

This book is RED, but doesn't appear to have ever been read.
There are NO creases at the cover edge or any stress
at the staples. The staples are dead-tight. It was just
poorly stored so the pages got the worst of it.

This book also has NO MARVEL CHIPPING, which
is common on this issue. CGC was hard on the grade
because of the pages. Presents like a 5.0-5.5.

Probably my favorite cover other than #15.
Very tight staples showing no stress.
Page quality could be better.
Old label. No writing or date stamps.
Steve ditko cover & interior art.