Who was Georgette Heyer? In her lifetime, nobody knew. But her historical novels, though largely neglected by critics, were bought in their millions by devoted fans. She created a private world for her readers, and lived, self-isolated, in one of her own. Only after her death did her mourning fans learn that she had been Mrs Ronald Rougier, wife of a successful QC.

Now Jane Aiken Hodge, herself a well-known historical novelist, has been given access to Georgette Heyer's extensive archive of research material and her correspondence with her publishers.

From these sources, and from surviving family and close friends, she has built up a surprising picture of a formidable woman with a caustic wit, strong views and a great sense of style. At the same time, an enthusiastic and penetrating analysis of the novels reveals the true private world of Georgette Heyer, an entire and convincing world of manners and morals, elegance and wit.