Vacuum therapy is a type of therapeutic effect on the human body, which has been used since ancient times. Previously, hollow horns of various animals, pots, bowls made of clay, bronze, and ceramics were used for procedures. Millennia have passed, but the method has not lost its healing essence, the only difference is that glass medical jars are often used today.
The principle of operation of glass medical jars is based on the creation of a vacuum effect, with the help of fire, which improves blood and lymph outflow in the affected area, enhances trophism and removes toxins from the skin and deep-lying organs and tissues.
- Decreased immunity;
-Various neuralgia (with convulsions, it is not recommended to put banks);
- Myositis;
- Osteochondrosis in remission;
- Cellulite;
- Painful critical days;
- Diseases of the digestive system.
Application. There are 2 different types of cupping massage: static and dynamic.
With a static massage, the cans are placed on the problem area and this is where the manipulations with them end, they are not moved. The action of medical cans is due to the creation of a vacuum inside the can with the help of fire.
Second method. The use of dynamic massage implies the possibility of moving cans. The advantage of this method is that the procedure can be carried out using only one jar. This method is effective in the fight against "orange" skin, neuralgia and beriberi, accompanied by a decrease in immunity.
- tumors of any nature and localization;
-sharp depletion of the body;
- acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions;
-expressed sclerosis of vessels with a tendency to thrombosis and hemorrhage;
- neuroses with affective states and convulsive seizures;
-diseases of the cardiovascular system;
-purulent and fungal skin lesions;
- the second half of pregnancy.
Relative contraindications:
- unclear diagnosis;
- condition after heavy physical exertion,
- after hot baths (in this case, before the procedure, the patient needs to rest for at least 2 hours);
- chest or senile (over 80 years) age;
- state of alcoholic intoxication;
-psychiatric disorders, as well as the negative attitude of patients to the procedure.
Attention! It is forbidden to carry out vacuum massage on the heart, eyes, ears, nipples of the mammary glands, pregnant women on the stomach.


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