In today's world of conflict, the historical figure of Jesus Christ is one of the overriding causes. The Jews, who accept only the Torah (the Old Testament portion of the Bible) deny Jesus Christ is the long promised Messiah. According to the Quran, the Moslems view Jesus, son of Mary, as a prophet, one of many prophets, whom Allah promised would die a natural death—hence, no crucifixion and, consequently, no resurrection of the body and no atonement for sin.

Christians proclaim that Jesus Christ, the central figure of the New Testament, dies on the cross and resurrected the third day.

The Crusades, the conquest of Spain by the Moors, the holocaust, and the return of the Jews to the Middle East with the resulting conflict in that region are all manifestations of this religious bigotry.

In 1830, Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon and proclaimed it to be a second witness of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon claims that Jesus Christ is the Creator of this world, the Jehovah of the Old Testament, the promised Messiah, and that he appeared in the Americas to thousands of New World inhabitants after his death and resurrection.

Joseph Smith was murdered because of his unwavering affirmation that the Book of Mormon was true and that he was a modern day prophet.

The Book of Mormon has generally been characterized as heresy and fiction by fellow Christians and totally ignored by non-Christians.

A fundamental question concerning the Book of Mormon is whether the un-educated, twenty four year old Joseph Smith or even the most learned man alive in 1830 could have written a book as comprehensive as the Book of Mormon which contained so many details that would only come to light many years after it was published.

Did God inspire 16th and 17th Century New World conquistadores, Catholic priests and colonizers to record accounts of native American legends, folklore and history? The Spanish and Portuguese historical chronicles were lost for more than 300 years and were published generally for the first time long after the Book of Mormon was published. Do the recently published chronicle writings support Book of Mormon claims?

In the last 100 years, archaeologists and art historians have made exciting new discoveries about Pre-Columbian America. How do these discoveries coincide with Book of Mormon claims?

Will a comparative evaluation of these three totally unrelated Voices From the Dust provide new insights into ancient America? Do they vindicate Joseph Smith?


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