Akkermansia Muciniphila Probiotic Powder is a type of bacteria that belongs to the Verrucomicrobia phylum. It has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential health benefits. 

Every Order is Shipped with TAD and Smidgen Spoons.

As with any health supplement, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Akkermansia Muciniphila probiotic powder into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health needs.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Dosage & Directions:

Adults: We recommend starting with one scoop of Tad (1/4 teaspoon) provided with Akkermansia Muciniphila. Proceed by mixing suggested dosage in 8 oz. glass of purified water, recommended on empty stomach in the morning or at bedtime. Also, can be taken 1-2 hours before or after a meal.

Children: We recommend starting with one scoop of Smidgen (1/32 teaspoon) provided with Akkermansia Muciniphila. Proceed by mixing suggested dosage in 8 oz. of purified water, recommended on empty stomach in the morning or at bedtime. Also, can taken 1-2 hours before or after a meal.

Serving Facts:

30 Gram's TAD30 Gram's SMIDGEN60 Gram's TAD60 Gram's SMIDGEN
1 Tad scoop a day will last approximately 4-6 weeks1 Smidgen scoop a day will last approximately 35-40 weeks1 Tad scoop a day will last approximately 11-13 weeks1 Smidgen scoop a day will last approximately 70-80 weeks
2 Tad scoops a day will last approximately 3-4 weeks2 Smidgen scoops a day will last approximately 20-25 weeks2 Smidgen scoops a day will last approximately 40-45 weeks2 Smidgen scoops a day will last approximately 40-45 weeks
3 Tad scoops a day will last approximately 2 weeks3 Smidgen scoops a day will last approximately 14-16 weeks3 Tad scoops a day will last approximately 4-5 weeks3 Smidgen scoops a day will last approximately 28-30 weeks

Best directed by a physician

Consult your physician prior to using this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition.


For Proper Storage:

•    Store in a dry cool place. Keep away from moisture.
•    Store provided measuring spoons in a dry place to avoid causing moisture.