RARE!!! Germany Full Team Espana 82 - World Cup Story Stickers.

In 1993 (or early 1994) Panini published album named "World Cup Story"
This album was published about 5 months before WC 1994 Panini album It was published in Europe (in only few countries) and South America.
They have different covers (see picture above). As you can conclude this album is about history of previous WCs. First two stickers are trophies, old Rimet Cup and todays FIFA World Cup. Tournaments from 1930 to 1966 have poster stickers and tear sticker of each winner.
From 1970 (year when Panini published first album) we have poster sticker plus emblem from WC winners. Brazil, West Germany, Argentina and Italy in total album have 228 stickers in other part of album Panini included all player stickers from WC finalists from 1970 to 1990 For example in 1970 WC final Brazil beat Italy. Panini made reprints of their stickers fram 1970 album. But in this album Panini made updates of players which were in original album but didn't played on the tournament As you know Panini made their albums few months before WC sa we have some players who don't play on the tournament Some of the team stickers where also different. Panini probobly used pictures from WC final matches in 1997 Panini published another "World Cup Story album.
This one was published in Colombia Album is same like previous one but this one have finalists from 1994.
The main difference of original and WC Story sticker is back of the sticker.