CANNA Terra Vega is a top-quality base nutrient, made for the vegetative stage. The product is made for growing in soil. The formula sustains the development of rich roots and strong side shoots. The formula sustains healthy and powerful development and increased yields. The product is made for hard and soft water areas. The formula ensures full water absorption and feeding. It includes increased levels of Nitrogen compounds, Iron chelates, and trace elements. Growers use the formula to achieve strong and healthy crops.

General Information

CANNA Terra Flores is a high-performance base nutrient made for the flowering stage. It's designed for growing plants in soil or potting mixes. The product promotes strong fructification and improves the plants' flavours. The formula is designed to work in hard and soft water areas. The product is rich in chelated elements, which can be easily absorbed and deliver lavish blooming. Growers use the product to achieve top-quality crops, large flowers and heavy fruits.

General Information


The Science

The one-part base nutrient is made for plants growing in soil or in potting mixes. The formula is designed for run-to-waste hydroponic growing systems or standard hand-watering systems. The product works best with a 10-20% run-off. The product comprises top-quality micro and macronutrients, which deliver lush and healthy crops.

How to Use

The product is made for use starting with the 2nd week of the flowering stage. Fill the hydroponic grow system or the hand-watering container with water and add the formula to achieve the right strength. Add between 2 and 5ml of formula per 1L of water. For increased accuracy, use a syringe or a beaker and a CF/EC/PPM metre to verify the nutrient's strength. Add boosters and additives and stir well. Never mix additives and nutrients in concentrated form. Add each nutrient, booster, or additive separately to the water tank or container and stir well. Store the product in a safe and dark place. Keep it out of children's reach. Avoid contact with your skin or your eyes.