This stunning photograph of the Bourton on the Water Christmas Tree in the Cotswolds captures the beauty of the holiday season in England. Taken by photographer Andy Evans, this original gelatin-silver print showcases the landscape and nature of the region, with a focus on the festive Christmas tree. The glossy finish and various sizes available make this photograph a perfect addition to any collection, whether you're a fan of art, nature, or just love the holiday season. With features including a first edition and an unframed format, this photograph is a must-have for any photography enthusiast or lover of the Cotswolds.

This picture is available in 6 different sizes 7"x 5", 9"x 6", 12"x 8", 18"x 12", 24"x 16" and 16"x 12" Canvas print please select the size you would like from the drop down menu.

Printed on Fujifilm professional colour paper from the Fuji Crystal Archive Range with a gloss finish. This premium paper highlights the color to give images more contrast and a deep, punchier feel, whilst maintaining tonal properties and accurate reproduction

Canvas prints are printed on to durable poly cotton canvas and mounted on a solid wood frame. The built in stretch system will ensure your image looks great and retains its form for years to come.

All pictures are taken by myself and are printed to order they are also quality checked be me before being dispatched to you in a stiff card back envelope or postal tube.

Brand New

Xmas 218