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when you wisely decide to arm yourself with the world's very best sales training

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 A Million Dollars Worth of The Most Effective Sales Training on the Planet $ $ 

 David H. Sandler's breakthrough

The Sandler Sales Institute


The President's Club

Professional Sales Development Program

The Entire Home Study Sales Training

17 CDs and 17 Study Manuals

Plus Special Sales Training Bonus 
16 CD Quality MP3 Backup Disc of The Best of Sandler 

Well known to be 180 Degrees From Traditional Sales Training

Why Drop $16,000.00 (or more) to your local Sandler sales franchisee ?

When you can 

Make a Sensible Investment 
of just - $444.88 - and Equip Yourself to Sell Successfully at the Highest Level Possible

$ A Million Dollars Worth $

of Breakthrough Sales Wisdom and Communication Strategies

The best way to Leverage Your Sales Career to Higher (or even Meteoric) Income
is to take advantage of the very best and most effective sales training available !

This is the renowned President's Club training program that covers all aspects of
the award-winning Sandler Selling System!

! All in Very Nice Condition !

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

With this Cutting Edge Sales Training
$ $ $ - You Can Sell Your Way to Millions - $ $ $

New to Sales? This is your perfect start!

Seasoned salesperson? This is a great way to sharpen your outlook and skills and rid yourself of destructive conventional sales habits.

The President’s Club is designed to provide you with the knowledge and that will help you become the top sales performer you were meant to be.

David H. Sandler created the Sandler Selling System after realizing that there had to be a better way to sell.

He concluded that he had to stop selling
everyone else , and start selling like nobody else.

If the competition is doing it, then you stop it doing it right away and do something else

This became the Sandler's sales training motto.

The Sandler Sales Training is well known as
The Best Sales Training You Can't Buy

      This industry leading sales training program is provided exclusively through the Sandler Sales Institute and is NOT available VIA the normal Retail Channels, Stores, or anywhere on the net including the Sandler website!

The Sandler Sales System has been called

The best-kept sales secret in America'

As this training is not formally advertised, rather it is only available to members of the
Sandler Sales Institute through its respective sales training franchisees nationwide.

only way to own or gain access to this highly acclaimed training other than investing

the many thousands ( recently reported to be as much as $16,000.00 and up ) of dollars required to be a

President's Club member

is to be lucky enough to be able to purchase this training material directly
from a current or past club member which can often be at a pretty hefty price tag (investment)

 compared to other sales training programs that are commonly available in the marketplace.

So, why is the Sandler training so expensive ???   Because it works !!!

The bottom line is that if you want to gain a substantial edge over your competitors, make more money selling than you are making right now, and feel great about what you do
for a living, this sales training program is frankly what you've been waiting for,
the best and the only one of it's kind on the planet.

The Sandler Sales Institute President's Club sales training will increase your sales, marketablility, and value proposition in today's tough and challenging economic environment !



1. Introduction: Explains the entire selling system and how to effectively use this course.

2. Systematic Selling: Successful sellers take a systematic approach to developing new business. They follow a tried and true, step-by-step process that produces predictable and consistent outcomes. In this module you will learn about the Sandler Selling System and how you can remove roadblocks and ensure a successful outcome to every selling opportunity.

Bonding and Building Rapport: Developing rapport with a prospect is a critical part of any selling system. It is the first step in creating a relationship of mutual trust. In this module you will learn how to use active listening and the OK-Not OK principle to establish a solid relationship quickly. You will also learn to recognize the communication style of the person you are meeting with and how to mirror and match their preferred style.

Making Upfront Contracts: One of the keys to successful selling is to maintain control during the selling process. The Upfront Contract is the tool that will enable you to maintain control while not becoming overly pushy or aggressive. In this module you will learn how and when to use appropriate Upfront Contracts in order to produce yes or no outcomes consistently.

Questioning Techniques: It is our questions, not our answers, that convey our intelligence and character. In this module you will learn about the techniques that Sandler-trained sellers use to keep the focus on the prospect. Techniques like Reversing, the Dummy Curve, Softening Statements and Presumptive Questioning. By using these strategies you will get the information you need from the prospect to determine if they are qualified and how you can best be of help to them.

Uncovering the Prospect's Pain: Prospect's buy for their reasons, not the seller's reasons. And buying decisions are usually made emotionally, and only justified intellectually. Learn how to uncover the prospect's needs, wants, challenges and problems. Or what David Sandler called "pain." You will also learn how to use the questioning strategies above to be able to quantify and personalize the pain the prospect is experiencing.

Uncovering the Prospect's Budget: If a prospect cannot or will not make the necessary investment of money or time to buy your product or service, it's better to learn that sooner rather than later. In this module, you will learn how to overcome the discomfort many sellers (and buyers) feel when the topic of money is addressed. You will also learn specific questioning tactics that will help you gain agreement with the prospect regarding the details of their budget situation so that there are no surprises when you present them with the proposal.

Uncovering the Prospect's Decision Making Process: How the prospect will go about making their decision should never be a mystery. If you do not know ahead of time exactly what the prospect will need to see or do in order to make a buying decision, it is highly unlikely that you will leave with a decision. In this module you will learn how to ask the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why questions that will make the prospect's decision making process perfectly clear to you and to them.

Closing the Sale: In this module you will learn how to present your product or service in a manner consistent with the buyer's priorities. You will learn how to obtain a Yes or No decision 9as opposed to a Think-it-Over). And you will learn how to eliminate buyer's remorse, minimize "vendor vengeance" and set the stage for an ongoing referral relationship with your new client.

Creating a Prospecting Plan: In this module you will learn how to create a plan for prospecting that includes the right mix of various prospecting activities (cold calling, networking, referrals, strategic alliances, etc). We will look at the pros and cons of each activity and learn how to calculate the number of attempts and contacts you might need to make in order to achieve your goals.

Overcoming Call Reluctance: Making cold calls is a dreaded activity for many sellers. In this module you will learn what causes call reluctance and what to do about it. You will learn the Sandler approach to cold calling. Special attention will be given to issues like getting past the gatekeeper, voice mail, auto attendant and overcoming specific objections ("what is this regarding?", "Send me literature"). You will create your own 30-second commercial and learn how to utilize it in every prospecting activity you choose to engage in.

Attitudes, Behaviors and Techniques: Some existing beliefs may be sabotaging your selling efforts. All of success in life is a function of these three areas: attitudes, behaviors and techniques. Techniques describe how to do something, behaviors describe what it is we need to do, and attitudes has to do with why we want to do something in the first place. You will identify your limiting beliefs and develop new attitudes designed to support more favorable outcomes.

Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone: many sellers reach a certain level of achievement and then, for no apparent reason, stall out at that level. You will learn why that happens and what can be done about it. We will define what a comfort zone is, how they are established, and what it takes to break out of one. You will determine the parameters of your current comfort zone, and also what steps you need to take in order to push past it. Special attention will be given to Identities and Roles, their meaning and the implications of each.

Applying Transactional Analysis: Much of our personalities are shaped by early childhood experiences, creating messages and beliefs that we still carry with us today. In this module you will learn about the components of your personality that influence your behavior and the steps you can take with this new awareness to positively affect your selling performance. You will learn how to identify repetitive, non-productive behaviors and replace them with more appropriate and effective behaviors.

Setting Goals: Would you start a race without knowing where the finish line was? In this module you will identify the motivators that are important to you and set goals to help you move in those directions. You will discover what life goals are most significant for you and develop plans for achieving them. Once identified, you will take concrete steps to put the plan in action, track the plan and measure results..

Developing Your Formula for Success: long-term success is most often the result of doing a number of things effectively, efficiently and consistently over time rather than doing one or two things extraordinarily well. In this module you will learn the 10 elements in David Sandler's Formula for Success, and how to put them to use to generate the kind of success that you want from life

17.  Negative Reverse Selling - (BONUS) : "Going Negative" does not necessarily mean being negative.  It is also not exactly what would be referred to as reverse psychology. It simply refers to the technique of gently applying just the right amount of negative pressure to the sales situation, as in removing all pressure to move in the direction that your prospect might think you want them to move.  Just how to accomplish this effectively is one of the hallmarks of the Sandler President's Club training and precisely what will substantially increase your sales income.  The technique of learning how to properly use just the right kind and amount of negative pressure is one of the most important and key strategies in the Sandler Selling System.  You will be amazed at how the effective and timely use of this great selling strategy will often be just what you need to close more and larger sales.  Learning the effective use of this sales strategy alone can literally be worth it's weight in gold when it comes to the increase in your closing ratio and your actual sales $ $ $ results.

$     $     $     $     $     $     $


Module 1 - Introduction


Fireside Chat


The Right Choice

The Importance of a System

The Ejection Seat Story

Good Reasons to Use a System

The Buy-Seller Dance

The Prospect’s System

The Caveman Approach

Why a Submarine?

Overview of the Sandler Selling System

Wimp Junction

The Sandler Rules


What is Bonding and Rapport?


Elements of Communication

Primary Sensory Dominance (PDS)

Communicating with Visuals

Communicating with Auditories

Communicating with Kinesthetics

Keep Your Prospect & Customers OK


The Sandler Rules

 Module 3 - Making up Front contracts

The Importance of Mutual Agreement

Telephone Prospecting Contracts


Biggest Fears

Roadblock Removal

Up-Front Contract for Web Demo

Handling Proposal Contracts

"How Many Times"

The Sandler Rules

Module 4Questioning Strategies: What You Know Can Hurt You

No More Unpaid Consulting

The Dummy Curve

The Professional Phase

Selling is a Broadway Play

Dummy Phrases

No Seagulls in the Prospect’s Picture

Looking for Seagulls

Importance of the Dummy Curve

The Sandler Rules

Module 5 - Questioning Strategies: Reversing

Why Reverse?

3 Plus

Reverse to the Real Intentions

Don’t Go Into a Box

Softening Statements

Never Answer a Statement

Emotional Involvement

Examples of Reversing Techniques

The Exception & No Wishy Washy

The Sandler Rules

Module 6 - Identifying Reasons for Doing Business

Understanding Pain

Pain vs Interest

Too Much Pain?

The Goal of the Pain Compartment

David Sandler Gets Pain

Feature/Benefit Selling is Hard Work

Sandler’s Formula for Selling

Sandler Pain Funnel Questions

Sandler Pain Funnel Role-Play

Pain Indicators or Real Pain?

Active Listening Helps You to find Pain

How a Good Pain Compartment Sounds

The Sandler Rules

Module 7 - Uncovering the Prospect's Budget

Are You Ready for the Budget Step?

Starting the Budget Step

Sandler Works the Numbers

The Monkey’s Paw

Difficulty Dealing with Money

Is Your Antenna Up?

Sandler Teaches the Budget Step

Review of the Budget Step

The Sandler Rules

Module 8 - Identifying the Prospect’s Decision Making Process

Should You Be at the Decision Step?

Going after a Decision

Overview of the Decision Process

The Guard at the Gate

Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters in Action

The Sandler Rules

Module 9 - Closing the Sale Fulfillment and Post Sell

The Close Comes Before Fulfillment

Goal of the Fulfillment Step

Potential Mistakes That Make Fulfillment tough

Should You be at the Fulfillment Step?

Presentation Tips

Preparing for Your Presentation

Structuring Your Presentation

Thermometer Technique

Post-Sell Compartment

We Got the Order!

The Sandler Rules

Module 10 - Creating a Prospecting Plan

Prospecting Defined

Prospecting Activities for Your Plan

Client Referral Role-Plays

More Role-Plays

Who Knows Who


Cold Calls and Walk-ins

Additional Prospecting Activities

A Prospecting Calendar

The Sandler Rules

Module 11 - Over Coming Call Reluctance and Making the Call

What causes Call Reluctance?

No Begging for Appointments

Getting Past the Gatekeeper

Elements of the Prospecting Call

Prospecting Call Role-Plays

Call at the Top

Dealing with Stalls and Put-offs

Advance”Send Me Info” Role Play

Telephone Tips

The Sandler Rules

Module 12 - Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone

Separate Your “I” and “R”

Winners, Non-Winners & At-Leasters

The Rose Story and Comfort Zone

Understanding Your ”I” Rating

Create an I-10 Attitude

Description of an I/R Winner

The Sandler Rules

Module 13 - Improving Your BAT-ting Average

Sandler’s Success Triangles

The You Triangle

Sandler on Self-Concept

Have a Reason and Cause


Technique Triangle

Personal Presence

Sandler is NOT the Sales Manager

The Sandler Rules

Module 14 - Applying TA to the Sales Situation




TA in Action


Adult & Child in Selling

The Sandler Rules

Module 15 - Goals Part 1

Understanding Motivation

Types of Motivation

Getting Salespeople Motivated

Individual Motivation

Discovering Conviction

Procrastination Exercise

Chasing a RIPITZ

Know Where You Want to Go

David Sandler Empties the Trash

A plan of Action

The Importance of a Goals Program

Module 16 - Goals Part 2


AB Journal

One At a Time

Empty the Head Trash

Bill of Rights

The Sandler Rules

Module 17 - Negative Reverse Selling

All you will ever need to know about this valuable counter intuitive sales strategy

$     $     $     $     $     $     $

Be sure to check out our other store listings for  more productive and inspiring audio seminars in the area of Sales and Personal Development by Tom Hopkins,  Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Nightingale-Conant, and many other top names.


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