The Ultimate Male Fantasy!

Explore men’s sexual fantasies. Get a deeper look into the mind and sexual experiences of men. See how seduction can initiate the ultimate sexual experience. Watch as real life couples act out men’s sexual desires, from an erotic striptease sequence, through mutual masturbation, to the satisfaction of spontaneous lovemaking. Experience an explicitly illustrated dream sequence involving two women.

• What makes a woman good in bed
• Threesome: the ultimate fantasy
• Getting your partner to seduce you
• Keeping sex alive… and hot!
• Mutual masturbation

BLISS Glide - Made in the USA
• 100% Natural • Glycerin-Free • Vegan 

Stay wet during any occasion with our BLISS Glide Personal Moisturizer. With just four ingredients, including water, this simple, pure solution provides a slick glide with minimal irritants making it ideal for those with increased sensitivities. 

BLISS Glide is the simplest, purest personal moisturizer. This unique formula that includes water and carrageenan rejuvenates when it comes into contact with moisture, whether it be your own natural lubrication or saliva ensuring that one application will last through any night. 

With just four ingredients, BLISS Glide is ideal for women who are sensitive since there are minimal ingredients to have a reaction to. We kept it glycerin-free to ensure there is no sticky, goopy mess. 

Easy to use and stress-free, BLISS Glide is the perfect product to include in all your encounters.