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Titolo: The Men's Fashion Reader
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Peter McNeil
Contribuyente: Peter McNeil (Edited by), Vicki Karaminas (Edited by)
Formato: Copertina rigida
ISBN-10: 1845207866
EAN: 9781845207861
ISBN: 9781845207861
Publisher: Berg Publishers
Genere: Society & Culture
Soggetto: Social Sciences, Gender Sex & Relationships
Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2009
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Description: The Men's Fashion Reader brings together key writings in the history, culture and identity of men's fashion. The readings provide a balanced range of important methodological approaches, primary research and significant case studies. The book is organized into thematic sections covering topics such as history, theory, subculture, iconic items of clothing, consumption and the media. Each section is introduced and concludes with an annotated guide to further reading. With exciting illustrations of men's dress from a range of historical periods, and including readings from key scholars and new writers across a wide range of fields, The Men's Fashion Reader is the essential introduction to the subject. Introduction: The Field of Men's Fashion Part 1. A History of Men's Fashion Part 2. Masculinity and Sexuality Part 3. Icons: The Evolution of Men's Wear Part 4. Subculture Part 5. Consuming and Creating Style Conclusion
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 244mm
Lunghezza: 189mm
Larghezza: 34mm
Peso: 1246g
Title Format: Hardback

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