The Nile on eBay

Welcome Home

by Rita Rumgay

Ann's breaking point has arrived. She's invisible to her husband, used and abused by her children, and disappointed in her career. She needs a new life. Oh sure, there will be fall-out. It will be painful. Or, she could run down the street screaming and pulling her hair out! What do you she will do? In need of a change, Ann Cantrell makes the difficult choice to start a new beginning on a farm with her Aunt Millie. The story is about how devastating changes can really be good for you and yours. Anyone facing these kinds of decisions needs to read and enjoy this book.

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Author Rita Rumgay
Pages 214
Publisher Little Creek Books
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781954978843
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-04-17
Imprint Little Creek Books
Audience Teenage / Young adult
