Book documenting the Tomy Aurora AFX slot car line.  The guide covers all Tomy cars from 1986 to 2001 and later Racemasters cars with pre-1998 body styles.  There are 295 cars pictured.  All listed cars were mass produced and publicly available. No unobtainable prototypes or test shots included.  Several cars have never previously been listed in a collector’s guide.  Includes availability dates and rarity ratings.  Minor color variations listed in notes.  Some external body modifications are depicted in close-up photos.

Examples of cards and sets are shown from Tomy America, Tomy Japan, Tomy UK, Tomy France, Tomy Australia, Irwin and Grow.  Over 650 car and packaging combinations listed.  Eight Tomy-Aurora cars from the older 1970's Japanese Tomy-S line that have never been properly documented are shown.

Size:  8.5 x 11 inches.  Thirty-two full color pages.  Great reference for anyone who collects Tomy slot cars.