T7 Sea Buckthorn Oil - Himalayan Turkestanica Nourishes Problematic Skin Calms & Reduces Redness USDA Organic Certified Organic by CCOF Paraben-Free Cruelty Free and Vegan Sulfate Free Rescue For Problematic Skin Acts Quickly, Readily Absorbed Regenerative and Restorative Effective Anti-Aging Treatment Sea Berry Therapy - Harness the power of Omega-7 for naturally beautiful, healthy skin. The T7 Difference Our Turkestanica Sea Berry (Sea Buckthorn) is an Omega-7 powerhouse unmatched in its nutrient profile. Packed with over 190 bioactive compounds, it thrives in the extreme alpine environment of the Himalayan Highlands to provide you with unmatched health and beauty benefits. Our Sea Buckthorn is both cruelty-free and sourced through fair trade agreements with local harvesters in Tibet.
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Expiration Date: 04/30/2025


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Sibu Beauty, Sea Berry Therapy, Sea Berry Seed Oil, 30 ml


T7 Sea Buckthorn Oil - Himalayan Turkestanica Nourishes Problematic Skin Calms & Reduces Redness USDA Organic Certified Organic by CCOF Paraben-Free Cruelty Free and Vegan Sulfate Free Rescue For Problematic Skin Acts Quickly, Readily Absorbed Regenerative and Restorative Effective Anti-Aging Treatment Sea Berry Therapy - Harness the power of Omega-7 for naturally beautiful, healthy skin. The T7 Difference Our Turkestanica Sea Berry (Sea Buckthorn) is an Omega-7 powerhouse unmatched in its nutrient profile. Packed with over 190 bioactive compounds, it thrives in the extreme alpine environment of the Himalayan Highlands to provide you with unmatched health and beauty benefits. Our Sea Buckthorn is both cruelty-free and sourced through fair trade agreements with local harvesters in Tibet.


Topically rub 2-4 drops onto affected area.


100% therapeutic grade organic Sea Buckthorn seed oil.


For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.