All of our mystery snails are captive bred and fed a diet of fresh veggies, fruit, algae wafers, and protein. These snails exhibit robust appetites and undergo rapid growth when provided with proper nourishment; a juvenile Mystery Snail can double in size within a matter of weeks to months. It's crucial to note that, like all freshwater snails, Mystery Snails are highly sensitive to copper. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly monitor copper levels, especially if tap water is used in your tank.

Mystery snails are not only a visually appealing addition to your aquarium, but also play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. They efficiently remove algae from glass, plants, and decorations. Moreover, they contribute to substrate cleanliness and color regulation. These snails, growing up to a substantial 3 inches in diameter when fully mature, bring a touch of serenity with their stunning light blue shells. They are able to coexist peacefully with fish, shrimp, and plants, making them a safe choice for your aquarium.

Mystery Snails are generally much more active and display more playful behavior than other types of freshwater snails.  They are almost constantly scaling the walls of the aquarium, extending their antennae in search of food.  They will climb up to the water line in to breathe air, so it's a good idea to make sure the water line in your aquarium isn't too high. Eggs are laid outside of water and cannot be fully submerged. These snails are not asexual and require a partner to breed, but females will still lay infertile eggs without a partner present. 

  • Temperature68° - 84° F (20° - 29° C)
  • pH:  7.6 - 8.4
  • KH:  2 - 15 dKH
  • Minimum tank size:  2.5 gallons per snail