HO Scale Lot Dumpster Trashcan Pallets Fire Hydrant Crates Beer Kegs Ice Machine Phone Propane Tank Benches

Dumpster lids do not open.

You will receive the parts shown in main product image in the quantities shown in that image.


Paint sticks well enough to these these resin parts unlike the glossy finish on 3d printed plastic parts. Since you won't be handling/scratching the parts much after they are painted, I don't think you really need to use primer (many would disagree), but if you want to, I suggest a can of flat/matte Rustoleum or Krylon primer (not glossy).

Resin parts are more brittle than plastic and can shatter if you attempt cutting them. Sawing, drilling, or grinding would work better than cutting. If you're going to cut anyway, your best bet is to dunk the part in very hot water first. Cold resin parts shatter easily. Hot resin parts are softer and have much more bend to them before they break.

Parts come as shown, not on a sprue. Pallets need supports cut from them. Some pieces may have a small amount of flash or support remnants. Overall clean prints, though.

I'll manually refund part of your order when I ship to apply bulk pricing if you order 2 or more different items that have bulk pricing. Ebay automatically applies bulk pricing only if you order 2 or more of the same item that have bulk pricing.