01.   The Video Dictionary of Bodybuilding Terminology:

Mr. Padilla carefully explains and demonstrates over 50 important terms and techniques used in weight training, including supersets, split routines, negatives, steroids, anatomy, high cycle, and more. This video should be viewed before watching the other videos. A perfect reference guide.

(approx. 55 mins)


02.   Building a Mr. Universe: Chest:

A massive, well-defined chest is now yours. Follow along as Mr. Universe shows the proper exercises and techniques for building all areas of the chest, including upper and lower pecs, serratus, and rib cage. Features beginner and contest routines.

(approx. 42 mins)


03.   Building a Mr. Universe: Back:

An awesome video on lat development designed to build your back into a giant, muscular “V” shape. Also includes trap exercises for achieving a perfect back, trap tie-in. Features beginner, intermediate, and advanced back routines. Go for it!

(approx. 48 mins)


04.   Building a Mr. Universe: Shoulders:

This video thoroughly explains shoulder anatomy and how the front, side and back heads of the deltoids must be trained to achieve full muscular development. Features over 30 exercises guaranteed to add mass to your shoulders and neck.

(approx. 48 mins)


05.   Building a Mr. Universe: Thighs:

This dynamic video shows how to build the thighs into massive sheets of well-defined muscle. Major muscle groups worked include the tensor fasciae latae, rectus femorus, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and sartorius. The section on proper squatting is outstanding! Also includes development of the rear leg biceps.

(approx. 44 mins)


06.   Building a Mr. Universe: Calves:

The calves are often a weak point with many bodybuilders. No more! This video demonstrates how to expand your calf muscles to greater size and definition with its valuable exercise and workout routines designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced bodybuilders.

(approx. 33 mins)


07.   Building a Mr. Universe: Biceps:

Known for having one of the greatest sets of arms in the world, the Champ teaches all of his secret exercises and techniques for developing perfectly shaped biceps and forearms. The methods on this video will stimulate your arms to grow faster than ever before.

(approx. 47 mins)


08.   Building a Mr. Universe: Triceps:

Your arms will never achieve massive size and strength without proper tricep development. The exercises presented use the Peak Concentration Principle for isolating and burning the triceps for greater growth. You will develop huge, deep-cut triceps that will look awesome from any angle.

(approx. 49 mins)


09.   Building a Mr. Universe: Abdominals:

Well-defined abdominals are a must for achieving a high-quality physique. This sensational video gives all the routines and exercises ever needed to develop a narrow waistline and impressive rock-hard abs. Has beginner and advanced routines.

(approx. 49 mins)


10.   Mr. Universe: The Art of Posing:

Mr. Padilla shows how to correctly perform poses designed to display each body part at its best. Includes ways of creating your own routine, contest grooming, required contest poses, and how amateur and pro competitions are judged. Get the winning edge today!

(approx. 88 mins)


11.   Mr. Universe: Nutrition & Diets:

Proper nutrition is the key to developing a great physique. Mr. Padilla answers all of your questions concerning off-season and pre-contest diets, gaining weight, losing weight – not muscle, achieving definition, balanced meals, body fat, proteins, carbs, minerals, and much more. A very important video.

(approx. 31 mins)


12.   Lifestory of a Bodybuilding Superstar:

Meet the “Giant Killer” up close as he candidly talks about his boyhood dream of becoming Mr. Universe and how he achieved that goal. He also tells about training at the first Gold’s Gym with greats like Arnold, Draper, and Zane. Gives great insight into what it takes to become a World Champion.

(approx. 43 mins)


13.   Beginning Bodybuilding & Weight Training:

In this video, Mr. Padilla teaches you all of the fundamental exercises, workout routines, and weightlifting techniques needed to develop and strength all major muscle groups. Mr. Padilla also gives you a complete one-year beginner’s total body workout routine, which is guaranteed to give you immediate bodybuilding success. This video is a must for achieving a strong foundation and understanding of bodybuilding.

(approx. 70 mins)