Military Ukrainian distinctive badge "Union of Officers of Ukraine".
The Union of officers of Ukraine is an All — Ukrainian public organization of military-patriotic orientation. The Charter of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was adopted and approved at the 1st Congress of officers—citizens of Ukraine on July 28, 1991 in Kiev.
Amendments and additions to the Charter of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" were made:
at the 3rd sow Congress (April 5, 1992);
at the 6th sow Congress (June 11, 1994);
at the 19th sow Congress (May 10, 2008);
at the 24th sow Congress (November 27, 2016).
Since November 27, 2016-the Charter of the Union of officers of Ukraine (new version) is in force.
The Charter of the" Union of officers of Ukraine " was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Certificate No. 139 of October 22, 1991), re-registered on December 24, 1992 and amended in 2008 (Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of 15.09.2008 No. 156715). The 1st Congress of officers was held on July 27-28, 1991. During the Congress, a resolution was adopted on the creation of the "Union of officers of Ukraine" with a clearly defined goal — the construction of National Armed Forces and their social and legal protection. The Congress, which was an event of historical significance, was attended by 320 delegates and more than 100 invited guests. The success of the Congress was facilitated by organizational preparation, which began with the conference in Kiev on February 2-3, 1991 (123 people were present — mostly active service officers). The conference was also attended by deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who supported the idea of the need for Ukraine to create its own Armed Forces.
The organizing committee for the preparation of the 1st Congress of officers consisted of: Vladimir Mulyava-Deputy Chairman of the Board of the movement, captain Alexander Yemets — people's deputy of Ukraine, Vitaly Chechilo — Chairman of the Board of the movement on military issues, Vilen Martirosyan — deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Colonel, Vitaly Lazorkin-deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, Colonel Mykola Kulchy, Colonel Anatoly Koshil, Lieutenant Colonel Valentin Pilipchuk, lecturer of the Polytechnic Institute Alexander Nizhnik, Senior Lieutenant Sergey Rudyuk, captain Igor Derkach, Sergey Kolesnik, Anatoly Rusnachenko.
Ivan Plyushch, Yevhen Marchuk, Vasyl Durdinets, and reserve captain Levko Lukyanenko contributed to the creation of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine".
The Congress was held in Kiev, in the former building of the Central Rada (now the teacher's House).
The second congress of officers was held in November 1991. The Presidium of the Congress was attended by the Minister of defense of Ukraine Konstantin Morozov. Participants of the Congress took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and went to military garrisons with the text of the oath, agitating their colleagues for its adoption.
From the first steps of its activity, the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" took a clear national and civic position, gained great authority among military personnel and the civilian population, influencing the processes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and on state policy.
The III Congress of the All — Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held in April 1992, by the decision of which Colonel Hryhoriy Omelchenko was elected chairman of the "Union of officers of Ukraine", and Captain Alexander Milenin was elected his deputy.
The IV Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held in April 1993, at which Major General Alexander Skipalsky was elected chairman of the "Union of officers of Ukraine", and Colonel Roman Kostyuk became his deputy.
The V Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held in December 1993, Major General O. Rol was elected chairman of the "Union of officers of Ukraine", Colonel R. Kostyuk remained deputy (until his untimely death) (went down in the history of the Union as one of its first founders and creators, who invariably headed the Kiev organization "Union of officers of Ukraine"for three years).
The VI Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held in June 1994, headed by the "Union of officers of Ukraine" was Colonel Vyacheslav Belous, his deputy during 1994-1995 was Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Ermak.
The VIII Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held in December 1995, at which Major General Ivan Bilas was elected First Deputy Chairman of the "Union of officers of Ukraine".
The IX Congress of the All — Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on December 14, 1996, but there were no changes in the leadership of the "Union of officers of Ukraine". The Congress adopted a resolution stating that:
"To propose to the Minister of defense of Ukraine a joint action plan for the full introduction of the Ukrainian language of instruction and communication in military units, headquarters, educational institutions and other military formations within the time period determined by the parties."
In addition, the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" expressed its attitude to the presence of foreign troops in Ukraine and their exploitation of material values.:
"The Union of officers of Ukraine generally has a positive attitude to establishing normal, civilized relations between Ukraine and neighboring states. However, the Union of officers of Ukraine cannot agree with the documents signed, with a gross violation of the Constitution of Ukraine, by the leadership of Ukraine and Russia on the location of the Russian part of the Black Sea Fleet and its ground troops on the territory of Ukraine, with the volume of leases, which is almost 20 thousand hectares of land, 5000 structures, 20 thousand linear meters of berths and coasts only in the Crimea, as well as the lease term of their bases on the territory of Ukraine - 20 years.
Loud phrases about the mutually beneficial nature of the agreements actually legitimize the Russian military presence on the entire coast of Crimea, which will continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine and make the state a hostage to Russia.
Knowing the aggressive nature of Russia's policy, its constant desire to expand its possessions by force, in the event of a war with Russia, the Ukrainian air defense system, which is common with the Russian one, as well as the leased locations of the Russian Black Sea Fleet not only in Sevastopol, but also in almost a hundred towns throughout the Crimea, will be dealt a preemptive deadly strike. Thus, a neutral nuclear-free Ukraine will become a victim of the warring parties as a result of the unweighted foreign policy of its leadership.
Based on this and guided by the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" opposes the ratification of unconstitutional agreements between Ukraine and Russia that harm the security of Ukraine. Therefore, people's Deputies of Ukraine from the "Union of officers of Ukraine" will vote against the ratification of documents in this form.
In this regard, the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" considered it necessary: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 17, 85, 92 and Article 14 of the transitional provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, urgently adopt the law of Ukraine "on the procedure for admission and conditions of stay of foreign military formations on the territory of Ukraine", which takes into account the following proposals: 1.1. specify the meaning of the term "temporary stay", set out in Article 14 of the transitional provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine;
1.2. a foreign state pays for leased locations of its military formations on the territory of Ukraine at world prices;
1.3. military personnel of military formations of a foreign state and their family members have the right to stay and move within the leased locations of these formations. After the end of their military service, they must leave Ukraine within a month;
1.4. the lease term of the territory of Ukraine may not exceed 5 years, taking into account the time of withdrawal of foreign military formations from Ukraine;
1.5. all real estate in leased locations of foreign military formations is the property of Ukraine and cannot be privatized or sold;
1.6. ships of the Navy of Ukraine and a foreign state must be based in separate bays, without exception;
1.7. all objects of land and sea infrastructure of the Black Sea Fleet are the property of Ukraine;
1.8. compensation for losses caused on the territory of Ukraine leased by a foreign state (environmental damage, destruction of cultural values, etc.) is compensated at world prices.
Considering that during the six years of independence of neighboring states, Russian military formations were located on the territory of Ukraine and did not pay it for basing and using coastal infrastructure, and Russia in 1993 began construction of bases of its Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Russia, to grant it the right to rent two bays only in Sevastopol for 5 years with payment of rent at world prices, subject to compliance with the requirements of the law of Ukraine "on the procedure for admission and conditions of stay of foreign military formations on the territory of Ukraine". The lease term also takes into account the time of withdrawal of all military personnel and watercraft of the Russian Black Sea Fleet from the territorial waters of Ukraine."
The XX Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on April 17, 2010. The Congress was attended by 186 delegates (out of 252 elected) and 50 guests. Among the guests of the Congress were: people's Deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, leaders of public organizations. Written greetings for the delegates of the Congress were sent by: Minister of defense of Ukraine Mykhailo Yezhel, commander of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vice Admiral Viktor Maksimov, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Brotherhood of the OUN-UPA Mykhailo Zelenchuk, Chairman of the Association of former Ukrainian soldiers in the UK P. Kischuk, Secretary of the OBVU M. Tkachuk and others.
Delegates of the 20th Congress, in connection with the challenges and threats to Ukraine that existed at that time, decided to discuss the formation of a new version of the military doctrine. They also appealed to the state authorities with a proposal to form a plan for the withdrawal of Black Sea Fleet troops from the territory of Ukraine in 2017, in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine. The decision assessed the practice of appointing persons who had misunderstandings with the laws of Ukraine to the posts of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. The Congress noted the mandatory implementation of art. 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the use of the Ukrainian language in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. The 20th Congress of the sow categorically opposed the encroachments of the Government of Ukraine on social guarantees (social package) of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Colonel Vyacheslav Belous was elected chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine".
On May 23, 2012, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" Vyacheslav Bilous had the opportunity to take a direct part in the parliamentary hearings on the topic: "the state and prospects of the military organization and the security sector of Ukraine" from public organizations of Ukraine.
The XXI Congress of the All — Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on November 24, 2012, at which Captain 1st Rank Yevhen Lupakov was elected chairman of the "Union of officers of Ukraine", and Colonel Vyacheslav Belous was elected First Deputy Chairman. At the suggestion of Colonel V. Belous, the Congress elected the court of honor of the sow as part of the chairman of the Court of honor of Reserve Colonel S. Grab and members — Reserve lieutenant colonel B. Siruk and reserve major P. Motsu.
The XXII extraordinary congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on December 13, 2013.
The XXIII Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on November 23, 2014 in the Central House of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kiev.
The XXIV Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was held on November 27, 2016. The delegates of the Congress, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was elected Lieutenant General Alexander Skipalsky, the first deputy chairman of the NGO "Union of officers of Ukraine" was elected Colonel Alexander Sasko. The Congress updated the Charter of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Union of officers of Ukraine” (Protocol No. 24/2016 of November 27, 2016). The resolution of the 24th Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" was published in the Ukrainian media.
XXV Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee of the NGO "Union of officers of Ukraine" dated June 14, 2018 No. 3/18, in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 and 5.7.1 of the Charter of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", was held on November 24, 2018 in the premises of the writer's house in Kiev. Colonel Alexander Viktorovich Sasko was re — elected chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", Colonel Ostap Yashan was elected First Deputy Chairman and head of the SBI Secretariat, and Colonel Vitaly Lazorkin, Colonel Yuriy Prokopchuk and major Mykola Golovetsky were elected deputy chairmen of the SBI. The congress delegates adopted the decision of the 25th Congress and relevant statements and appeals.
The XXVI Congress of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 and 5.7.1 of the Charter of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", was held on July 24, 2021 in Kiev. Colonel Alexander Viktorovich Sasko was re-elected chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine", and Lieutenant Colonel Serhiy Martiyan was elected first deputy chairman. The Congress also elected the governing bodies of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine".
On February 12, 2022, in connection with the creation of a real hot phase of aggression by the Kremlin regime, the decision of the Central wire of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" No. 11/2022 of February 11, 2022 published the statement "We will fight for Ukraine!".
Now the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of officers of Ukraine" has about 12 thousand members and has its own separate divisions in most regions and cities of Ukraine.
From the history of signs of Ukraine:
The first Ukrainian awards of the UPR were introduced in 1919 by the Directory. However, the first attempts to create a system of awards in the People's Republic were made back in 1918 by Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky, who at that time was the head of the Ukrainian state. So, under his command, a separate commission was created with the manufacture of military orders (ord. Yaroslav the Wise, St. Olga, Archangel Michael, Iron Cross, Cross of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Book. Vladimir, the cross and the star of "Glory and Rebirth of Ukraine"). But these awards were not introduced into the award system. On January 10, 1919, the Council of People's Ministers of the UPR adopted a resolution on future insignia. On January 24, 1919, the UNR Directory adopted the relevant law. In August 1919, the General Staff of the UPR Army approved a cross with 2 degrees and a medal of 4 degrees in its award system. On October 19, 1920, the head of the UPR troops team established 2 degrees of the Order of Liberation, the Iron Cross for the campaign and battles (December 16, 1919 — May 6, 1920, after May 1920, this insignia was named the Order of the Iron Cross of the UPR army "For the Winter Campaign"). The Iron Cross was the first implemented state award in the UPR. After the arrival of Soviet power in Ukraine, the UPR government found itself in exile. Subsequently, new awards were established, such as: the medal "For the Liberation of the Motherland" (1921), "10 years of Unification of Ukrainian Lands" (1929), the cross, and later the Order of Simon Petlyura (1932), the cross of the Ukrainian Cossack (with and without swords, by the president of the UPR in exile Andrei Livitsky, 1947), military cross "40 years of revival of the Ukrainian Armed Forces" (1953), cross "60 years of revival of the Ukrainian Armed Forces" (1977), medal "For Wounds" (1980), cross "40 years of the Ukrainian National Army" (1985).
The Soviet award system also had a connection with Ukraine and its history. For example, in the Ukrainian SSR, at the V Congress of Soviets in Kharkov, a resolution was adopted "About the Red Order of the Banner of Labor". Thus, from 1921 to 1933, the award system of the Ukrainian SSR had its own (republican), along with the All-Union (introduced in 1928), Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 1925, the government of the Soviet Union adopted a resolution on the establishment of a new type of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ukrainian SSR in honor of the "completion of the restoration of the national economy", but there were no awards with this order. And in 1933, the CEC of the USSR, by a resolution "About the Orders of the USSR and the Union Republics, and badges", canceled the awarding of republican orders, including Ukrainian ones.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet government decided to introduce a number of new awards to motivate the personnel of the Red Army to feats. Among them was the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, named after one of the most famous military and political figures of Ukraine (Zaporozhye Sich) of the XVII century. In addition, during that war, as well as after it, medals were established for the defense (capture) of a particular city (region). Similar medals were created in honor of the defense of the cities of the Ukrainian SSR or modern Ukraine: Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the government of the Soviet Union set the task of restoring the mines of Donbass destroyed during the fighting. Thus, there was a need for a separate reward for this labor feat. In 1947, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the medal "For the Restoration of the Donbass coal Mines" was established. In total, the medal was awarded 46,350 times during the award ceremony. The metallurgical industry also suffered during the war. Therefore, for its restoration, at the end of the war, a separate award was also awarded — the medal "For the restoration of the ferrous Metallurgy enterprises of the South" (including the regions of the Ukrainian SSR, 68,710 awards).
On May 10, 1982, by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, in commemoration of the anniversary of the city of Kiev, a corresponding award was introduced — the medal "In memory of the 1500th anniversary of Kiev".
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, awards established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR "On approval of the Regulations on State Awards of the Ukrainian SSR" remained in the incentive system of Ukraine. They included: honorary titles of the Ukrainian SSR, a certificate of honor and a diploma of the Presidium of the Ukrainian SSR. The first award of independent Ukraine by the decree of the then acting President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk was the "Honorary Insignia of the President of Ukraine", which in 1996 was replaced by the insignia of the President of Ukraine — the Order of Merit. In 1994, the Alexander Dovzhenko State Prize of Ukraine was established, which received the status of the President's insignia. Also existing in the period of the Ukrainian SSR, the Republican prize named after T. G. Shevchenko, the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology (1969), the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in architecture (1988) received the status of insignia — state prizes with an updated name. In 1995, the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma established the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For Courage" — the star "For Courage" and the cross "For Courage", which in 1996 were replaced by the insignia of the President of Ukraine — the Order "For Courage". In the same year, an honorary badge was established — "Nominal firearms".
In 1996, a new Constitution of Ukraine was adopted, which retained the right of the President to establish his insignia. From 1996 to 2000, 11 insignia were established: the Order of the Golden Star and the Order of the Hero of Ukraine, the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the Order of Merit (corresponding to the honorary insignia of the President of Ukraine), the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the Order of Courage (corresponding to the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For Courage" — the star "For Courage" and the cross "For Courage"), the Order of Princess Olga, the medal "For Military Service to Ukraine", the medal "For Impeccable Service", the medal "Defender of the Fatherland". In addition to them, "Nominal firearms", existing honorary titles (with subsequent additions) and state awards continued to be listed as insignia.
On March 16, 2000, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law "On State Awards of Ukraine". Thanks to this law, the insignia of the President of Ukraine became separate awards, having received new names: the prefix "insignia of the President of Ukraine" was removed from the already existing one. The only award that retained the status of a badge of distinction was the Certificate of Honor of the President of Ukraine for active charitable activities in the humanitarian sphere. The insignia remained in the state award system and operate separately from the law. In the period from 2000 to 2022, such insignia were established as: medal "For Labor and Valor" (2001), Ivan Mazepa Cross (2009), jubilee medal "60 years of liberation of Ukraine from Fascist invaders" (2004), jubilee medal "20 years of Independence of Ukraine" (2011), medal "70 years of liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders" (2014), commemorative medal "25 years of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan" (2014), jubilee medal "70 years of Victory over Nazism" (2015), jubilee medal "25 years of independence of Ukraine" (2016), the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For participation in the anti-terrorist operation" (2016) and the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For humanitarian participation in the anti-terrorist operation" (2016), the national legend of Ukraine (2021), the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident" (established in 2021, the Cross of Combat merit (2022), the insignia of the President of Ukraine "For the Defense of Ukraine" (2022), the distinction of the President of Ukraine "Golden Heart" (2022).
The first award introduced into the law after its adoption was the Order of Danila Galitsky, established in 2003. He was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education (2006). In 2008, three awards were introduced into the law: the Order of Freedom, which became the highest state award of Ukraine, the Order "For Valiant Miner's Work" and the medal "For Saved Life". The last order introduced into the law was the Order of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred (2014), and the last award was the Miroslav Skorik State Prize of Ukraine (2021).

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