Discover the power of introverts with this captivating hardcover book titled "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain. This self-help book delves into the psychology, business, economics, and medical aspects of introversion and explains how it affects various areas of your life. With 352 pages of informative content, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to gain insights into leadership, personal growth, personality, and interpersonal relations. Published in 2012 by Crown Publishing Group, T.H.E., this English language book weighs 1 lb and measures 9.5 inches in length, 6.5 inches in width, and 1.2 inches in height. Get ready to embrace your introverted nature with this intriguing book. Book is in acceptable condition (see picture) - missing front leaf and price, but otherwise unread!