The Nile on eBay

Say Anything

by Fiona Jefferies

When your best friend shows you the two-word text her partner of five years sent to end the relationship. (Uhh...)
When the next-door neighbor you've exchanged a grand total of 78 words with tells you about their newly diagnosed water allergy. (Umm...)
When your brother drags out his mildewed soapbox and starts bloviating about why QAnon is entirely factual. (Err...)
What the hell do you say?! And, more importantly, how do you say it without sounding like an insensitive, ignorant arsehole?
Life is a shit show crammed with moments when you'll be grasping for the right words. Words that are thoughtful and helpful - not hurtful, tinged with judgement, or downright bullshit. This book is for those moments.
Say Anything is a refreshing, realistic, and hilarious guide on what to say - and how to say it - in hairy spots, pregnant pauses, and triggering situations. It will help you say the right thing (and prevent you from saying the wrong thing), teach you to slow the fuck down and have a rational thought or two before you blurt out something you'll regret, recognize when it's much wiser to keep your damn mouth shut, and maybe, hopefully inspire you to be a kinder person.
Your words won't always be perfect or quote-worthy. But they'll always be powerful. This book will help you use them as a force for good, save you from looking like an ungodly brute, and possibly eternally endear you to all humankind (and koala bears and quokkas if you're lucky).

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Author Biography

Fiona's first interior design client was Barbie. From a young age, she designed elaborate house floor plans for her, complete with heart-shaped pools and three storeys that were barely enough to contain Barbie's big dreamsThese days, Fiona still has a role in people's housing dreams. As the founder of Diva Works, an agency which designs and delivers sales offices for blue-chip property clients including Stockland and Lendlease, she create's environments that win customers and sell out developments sooner.Since launching Diva Works in 2001 from her dining table and a $5000 loan, Fiona and her team have delivered over 1000 sales offices which are the ultimate in first impressions. Clients trust her to take on the myriad moving parts of a project and deliver on time, budget and concept. Mirvac has been a client for over 20 years and that speaks to how essential clients view her to their projects. When not designing the latest benchmark sales office, Fiona can be found at the front of the stage at live music festivals. She's also a staunch mental health advocate and bakes wicked brownies.


Short Title Say Anything
Language English
Year 2023
ISBN-10 0645628409
ISBN-13 9780645628401
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-01-14
Pages 206
Publisher Diva Works Pty Ltd
UK Release Date 2023-01-14
Author Fiona Jefferies
Imprint Diva Works Pty Ltd
Subtitle Good, kind and non-bullshit things to say when you don't know what to say.
Audience General
