Are you suffering from high blood pressure, or know somebody who does?

High blood pressure is a condition when your blood forcefully collides with your artery walls, eventually leading to heart problems, such as heart disease. Blood pressure is determined by calculating the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance experienced by the blood flow in your arteries. With our stressful lifestyle and long working hours, people hardly take care of their health, let alone manage their blood pressure. While allopathy might offer a solution, it does have severe long-term implications. 

Dharishah offers a 100% natural, lab-tested, gluten-free solution to control your high BP. Calm-Hi provides an effective, efficient, and long-term therapy solution for your high blood pressure issues. It takes care of your uncontrolled BP that increases the risk of severe health problems, including heart stroke—formulated using ingredients like Arjun, Amla, Muktashukti, Punarnava, Sarpgandha, Parval Bhasam, Akik Bhasam, Garlic powder, and bottle gourd. It’s a 100% plant-based ayurvedic remedy that controls high BP and prevents damage to your arteries, heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, and sexual dysfunction.

Calm-hi prevents the following issues as well: