Piratas! Gamelab Rudy Games Card Game Dissection Puzzle Family Game Child's Play

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Number of players: 2 to 6 players
Playing time: 20 minutes
Recommended age: 8+

Pirates! - Become a notorious pirate
At Pirates! 2 to 6 players take on the role of notorious pirates in search of valuable treasure. There is looting, hijacking and fighting, because only the first person to capture five gold ducats becomes the most notorious pirate on the seven seas.

At Pirates! Players must collect “treasure” cards containing gold ducats.
If a player has cards with a total of five or more gold ducats in his hand at the start of his round, he has won and the game ends immediately.

6 player boards 
110 player cards
1 instruction 

With game rules in the following languages: DE
Number of players: 2 to 6 players Playing time: 20 minutes Recommended age: 8+ Pirates! - Become a notorious pirate At Pirates! 2 to 6 players take on the role of notorious pirates in search of valuable treasure. There is looting, hijacking and fighting, because only the first person to capture five gold ducats becomes the most notorious pirate on the seven seas. At Pirates! Players must collect “treasure” cards containing gold ducats. If a player has cards with a total of five or more gold ducats in his hand at the start of his round, he has won and the game ends immediately. Contents: 6 player boards  110 player cards 1 instruction  With game rules in the following languages: DE
Marke Rudy Games
Maße ca. 17 x 23 x 6 cm
Minimale Spieleranzahl 2 Spieler
Auszeichnungen Geeks n´Orcs
Grafik Luis Francisco Baroni
Inhalt 110 Spielkarten
Thema Fantasy
Thema Piraten
Herstellernummer RG039-001-0823
Charakter Familie Familienspiel
Produktart Eigenständiges Spiel
Spielart Kinderspiel
Spielart Legespiel
Spielart Kartenspiel
EAN 9120059810830
Material Kunststoff
Material Papier
Material Pappe
unsere Altersempfehlung ab 8 Jahre
Autor Pedro Sales
Sprachen Deutsch
Angebotspaket Nein
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Illustrator Renato Simons
Spieldauer 15 bis 30 Minuten
Altersempfehlung 8-11 Jahre
Gewicht ca. 700 g
Zertifiziert CE
Personalisieren Nein
Modifizierter Artikel Nein
Maximale Spieleranzahl 6 Spieler
Titel Piratas!
Warnhinweis Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeigne
Video Leider kein Video hinterlegt
Herstellungsland und -region China
Verlag Gamelab /Rudy Games