Subtitled “The American Navy In The Underseas War“, this is a 1918 First Edition of an historical book that details the involvement of the American Navy in submarine warfare during World War I. The book provides a comprehensive account of the naval operations carried out by the American forces against the German Navy's U-boats. It also covers the tactics, strategies, and technologies used by the American Navy to track and destroy German submarines, including the use of depth charges and hydrophones. The book also highlights the bravery and sacrifices of the American sailors who risked their lives to protect their country's interests. A fascinating historical document. This 1918 1st Edition hardcover is in good condition for being 105 years old. It lacks a dust jacket, but the boards are clean and unmarked, and there are no internal markings apart from some age spots on the fly-leaf and a signature on the back of the author’s photo next to the title page. The binding is tight throughout, and all the photos are present.