1880’s Doc Holliday cabinet card. Uncredited publisher. Possible death memorial. Holliday suffered from tuberculosis a good portion of his life. It killed his mother and sister. In doing research on this card I came across quite a few images claiming to be Holliday. Tuberculosis prematurely aged Holliday until his death in 1887. Most of these images floating around are of stealing young healthy men. Holliday’s physical condition due to tuberculosis is well known and documented. This cabinet very much resembles Holliday’s physical status. Do the research. A little less than 5 by 7 inch in size. Stains, toning and wear. Feel free to ask questions. Notice the splotching on the face and nose and cheeks on the known Holiday’s in his later age and my cabinet. Obviously signs of tuberculosis. Splotching matches in all the images. I don’t believe I’ve seen signs of tuberculosis on any of the claimed new Holiday’s. I would consider this image blatantly obvious. What would this image be worth if there was an auction house qualified to sell it? If anyone is in disagreement with the previous statatement, point me to the nearest expert.