The Nile on eBay

Shoes from Grandpa

by Mem Fox

In this piece of hacker thriller fiction, Tanner Moore is pulled into the world of a vigilante serial killer and his underground hacker group. It is a vigilante serial killer thriller combining elements of speculative fiction and hacker fiction in the midst of a page-turning tech thriller.

Analog Audio Cassette
Brand New

Publisher Description

How could technology be used to assault liberty? Where are the bounds of morality drawn for those with unlimited access to our data? And how are good intentions manipulated into the perpetration of injustice?

These questions unfold within Moral Panic, a hacker thriller exploring the collision of the most extreme elements of vigilantism, surveillance data, and technological media manipulation. It wanders through the maze of near-future technology with a skeptical eye on the data-driven world we live in, hoping an awareness of the possibility of such a story prevents it from coming true in the real world.

As C.T.O. of the largest corporation in the world, Tanner Moore is about to release the greatest convenience innovation in the history of business: drone delivery services to every inch of the globe.

But when an interview with journalist Amy Noral is secretly recorded and published by the clickbait media, Tanner's fall from grace is swift and brutal.

He is fired, publicly condemned as a terrorist for comments he never made, and kidnapped by a mysterious vigilante group using surveillance data to track and kill their enemies. Tanner must navigate this underground world of violent zealots and hedonist hackers to find his way to freedom, or see his drone innovation controlled by the seekers of absolute power.

Above ground, Amy, the only person who doubts Tanner's guilt, delves into the string of mysterious circumstances surrounding Tanner's disappearance. Risking her own well-being to find the truth, she meets a mysterious conspiracy theorist on the internet offering to help her uncover the vigilante group's malicious purpose.


Author Mem Fox
Publisher Scholastic Australia
Year 1989
ISBN-10 0999865102
ISBN-13 9780999865101
Format Analog Audio Cassette
Publication Date 1989-12-31
Imprint Scholastic Australia
Place of Publication Gosford
Country of Publication Australia
Illustrations Illustrations, black and white
Pages 248
Language English
Audience College/Higher Education
UK Release Date 2018-03-30
