This is the best Ore that I have sold and likely the best currently being sold on eBay right now. Extreme Mineralization that includes the following: IRON PYRITE, CHALCOPYRITE, GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, PLATINUM, GALENA, CALAVERITE, QUARTZ, SHALE & SERPENTINE. This is by far the most mineralization of any ore that I have sold on ebay to date.

Watch a video for this ore: (you may need to copy and paste the address into your browser)

WHERE DID IT COME FROM: This piece was pulled directly from the same site where the “Crown Jewel” was found in Jamestown, California. The Crown Jewel is a massive crystalline gold specimen found in 1992, at the Jamestown /Harvard Mine by the Sonora Mining Company. It weighs a whopping 44 pounds, and is the largest crystalline gold structure in existence. In addition to the massive nugget, the Sonora Mining Company recovered unbelievable amounts of gold from the site that include 12 ounces of gold per one ton of material on several different occasions.

Today the Sonora Mining Company is gone but the site is still rich with gold, silver and copper ore. The area where the mine is located was referred to as the “queen of the southern mines” by the early miners during the gold rush due to the massive amount of gold, silver, platinum and copper being extracted from the area’s rich pay dirt. The area was eventually dubbed the “Motherlode” which is still a commonly used term today.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that while the product description is 100% accurate, there are no guarantees that any amount of precious metal can be “mined” for profit or for any other use for the following reason: Mining includes locating, extracting and recovering precious metal from hard rock or sediment. This is a difficult process that relies heavily on the knowledge and experience of the person mining the material to be successful. A lack of experience and/or a mistake can result in the precious metal being lost to the process. Due to the level of difficulty the process necessary to mine precious metal from hard rock and/or sediment, this seller makes no guarantees that you the buyer and/or any person you designate to mine any material purchased from this seller, will recover any amount of precious metal from said material. This seller has no reasonable way to verify the miners ability to successfully mine the material, therefore no promises or guarantees for any amount of precious metals will be made for any material sold by this seller.

Please note that the photos representing this item are photos of the entire lot. Your purchase will include 12 pounds of what is seen in the photos.

This item can be returned within 30 days of purchase. Return requests submitted to this seller should include the reason for the return as well as any information/evidence necessary to support their reason for the return. This seller will review the information on a case by case basis to determine whether or not a return is warranted. If this seller denies the return request, the buyer can request that eBay intervene and make the decision regarding the return.

It should be noted that due to the high desirability as well as the potentially high value of this item, all returns will undergo a thorough inspection immediately upon their arrival back to seller to ensure the validity of the basis for the return as well as to ensure that the item is being returned is exactly the same as when it was originally sent to the buyer unless any differences have been previously disclosed. The items visual appearance, physical structure and weight will be closely checked. Any evidence of missing parts or pieces tampering, weight discrepancies or the manipulation of weight by adding substitutions to the item or its contents to account for any weight discrepancies caused by the removal of any of the item or its contents, will not be tolerated and immediately reported to eBay as return policy violations as well as return policy abuse.