Vintage Persain Sheraz Hand Knotted Oriental Qashqai Wool Runner Rug

This vintage Persain Sheraz Qashqai runner rug is a beautiful addition to any room. With a hand-knotted wool construction and a traditional Oriental pattern, this rug is both easy to clean and eco-friendly. Measuring 3x9 feet with a thickness of 15mm and a rectangle shape, it is suitable for use on any floor, including those with floor heating. The red color and Persian culture make this rug a unique piece, suitable for any room in the home, from the living room to the foyer. It is perfect for those who appreciate contemporary style with a touch of history. Handmade in Afghanistan with a late 20th-century production technique, this rug is a true original.

Size in CM: 285 x 100
Size in Feet: 9 ft 4 in x 3 ft 3 in