Why choose us?
  • No powder, no grinding, cut the whole root into pieces, the original flavor.
  • It is produced in Yunguxi Mountain, Dabie Mountain, 20 years old, deep 
  • mountain picking, wild new goods in season, no sulfur, no additives.
  • Uniform size, fiber obvious, soup color natural, natural drying, nutrients do not lose.
  • 不打粉,不粉碎,整根切块,原汁原味。
  • 产自大别山的云谷溪山,20年根龄,深山采挖,当季野生新货,不含硫,不含任何添加剂。
  • 大小均匀,纤维明显,汤色自然,自然晾晒,营养不流失。
Pueraria Mirifica root of Yunguxi Mountain originates from the depth of Dabie Mountain in Anhui Province. The average annual precipitation is more than 2000 mm, the relative humidity is about 80%, the climate is mild in four seasons, the average temperature is 18.5 degrees, and the soil suitable for growth is rich in salt minerals.
It has the advantages of eliminating alcohol and detoxifying, reducing three  high levels, strengthening brain and intelligence, protecting heart and  improving climacteric symptoms.
1. Detox
Wild kudzu/Pueraria Mirifica root contains daidzein, which can decompose  alcohol, reduce the stimulation and damage of alcohol to liver and nervous  system, and promote metabolism. Therefore, drinking with wild kudzu in water  can detoxify alcohol and protect liver.
2. Drop three highs
The puerarin contained in wild kudzu root has the effect of lowering glucose,  and the flavonoids contained in wild kudzu root can play the role of lowering  cholesterol and triglyceride, but also can soften and dilate blood vessels.  Taking wild kudzu root in a standardized can also play the role of lowering  blood glucose, blood lipid and blood pressure.
3. kin-brain intellectual
Can prevent memory decline, appropriate dosage can improve brain and  intelligence, senile dementia has a certain prevention and treatment effect.
4. Protect heart
Wild Radix puerariae contains flavonoids, puerarin and other components, can  dilate blood vessels, improve myocardial oxygen metabolism, myocardial  ischemia, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases  have a certain prevention and treatment effect.
5. Improve menopause symptoms, long-term use has breast enhancement effect
Kudzu root contains a large number of isoflavones, which is a natural  phytoestrogens, female menopause body hormone levels drop when appropriate to  take wild kudzu, can alleviate menopausal symptoms. Long-term use has breast  enhancement effect.
野生葛根中含有大豆甙,可分解酒精,减少酒精对肝脏和神经系统的刺激与损伤,促进 新陈代谢,所以酒后用野生柴葛根粉泡水喝,能解酒排毒,保护肝脏。
野生葛根所含的葛根素有降糖作用,所含的黄酮类物质能起到降胆固醇、甘油三酯的作 用,还能软化、扩张血管,规范服用野生柴葛根粉还能起到降血糖、降血脂、降血压的 作用。
野生柴葛根含有黄酮、葛根素等成分,可扩张血管,改善心肌氧代谢,对心肌缺血、心 肌梗死、心律失常等心血管疾病有一定的防治效果。
柴葛根中含有大量异黄酮,这是天然的植物雌激素,女性更年期体内激素水平下降时适 当服用野生柴葛根,可缓解更年期症状。长期服用有丰胸效果。