This unique area rug features an animal print pattern with a medium pile height, handmade from 100% wool with a tufted production technique. The rug is in a modern style with multicolor Indian regional design, suitable for any room in the house including basement, home office, study, nursery, utility/laundry room, trailer, conservatory, foyer, garage, kitchen, bedroom, living room, lounge, guestroom, hallway, and dining room. The rug has many features including noise-reducing, allergy-friendly, dryable, non-slip, anti-slip, one-of-a-kind, suitable for floor heating, low emission, pet friendly, eco-friendly, kid friendly, dirt/moisture-absorbing, and is suitable for chairs with wheels in the living area. Care instructions advise to avoid harsh chemicals. This original piece is from the 21st century (2000-now) and has a shape of animal skin with a cut pile type.