Before buying, please compare to other similar items on Ebay, for price, quality and features, and also read my Feedback comments...I know you'll be back!

For some stupid reason, Ebay are blocking some messages with information in them (i.e. the details I need for the card). If this happens to you, please see the last picture in the listing. This will enable you to get your information to me.

*"LESBIAN" version also available...please see my other listings*

A great idea to prank a friend or workmate etc., this card is self explanatory! There is no malice intended with this is just a bit of harmless fun (like we used to be able to have, before the world went nuts!).

It is the same size & material as a credit card, and the ink is permanent & waterproof. It will not smudge or wear off, trust me; I have one of these cards, which I have printed my gym entry QR code onto; it's been taken in and out of my wallet 5 times a week, for the last year or so, and it's still perfect.

The card also has a 15mm square, holographic sticker, for that official look (see how many others have this feature).

When ordering, simply send me the following:

  1. The name

  2. A clear photo

To get the details to me, just send them in a message when you order...either by putting them in the “Message to Seller” section, or by sending them to me separately, after ordering.


If you don't send the name AND a photo, I cannot process your card!

To attach a photo; before sending the details, you'll see a box marked “Attach a photo” (or words to that effect). Click on that, then choose the photo you want to send me, and follow the instructions. Then you can send the message, with the details & photo together.

If the name is long, I'll adjust the font size to suit (or I may do it in 2 lines, whichever I feel looks best).


Please check your spelling before sending the name or other details. I will print it on the card EXACTLY as you spell it! If you write (for example) “Micheal” when you meant to write “Michael”, I won't chase you to query it...I will write “Micheal” on the card! For all I know, there may actually be a name spelled that way!

I have sold THOUSANDS of various types of ID cards over the years, without a single return or complaint. In fact, please take a minute or two to browse my many, extremely positive feedback comments from satisfied customers...go back as far as you see what sort of customer service and quality of products to expect from me; a highly reputable Ebay seller since 2007.

So, decide who your “victim” will be, and I hope to hear from you soon!